Dashboards & Visualizations

Why are conditional tokens one change behind for time picker changes?


I am working with setting new tokens whenever my time picker is changed so that I can offer an appropriate set of timespans for a timeline. The code seems sound, but it has a weird nuance: the displayed tokens are for the previous choice made, not the current one.

Condition A is set so that less than 12 hours sets $tokenA$ while condition B says that between 12 hours and seven days sets $tokenB$.
If I choose condition A -> condition B ->condition A, then my current choice is condition A, but my current token is one behind ($tokenB$)

Closing and refreshing the browser does no good. it's like a token choice is stuck in memory somewhere.

Here is my code:

      <input type="time" token="api_time" searchWhenChanged="true">
        <label>($api_time.latest$) - ($api_time.earliest$)</label>
          <!-- if time is less than 12 hours, show Hour, 15 Min, Min  -->
          <condition match="(relative_time(now(), $api_time.latest$) - relative_time(now(), $api_time.earliest$)) &lt; 43201">
            <set token="hour_top">12hour</set>
            <unset token="7day_top"></unset>
            <unset token="1month_top"></unset>
            <unset token="gt_month"></unset>
            <unset token="span"></unset>
          <!-- if time is between 12 hours and 7 days, show Day, Hour, 15 Min  -->
          <condition match="43200 &lt; (relative_time(now(), $api_time.latest$) - relative_time(now(), $api_time.earliest$)) &lt; 604801">
            <set token="7day_top">7day</set>
            <unset token="hour_top"></unset>
            <unset token="1month_top"></unset>
            <unset token="gt_month"></unset>
            <unset token="span"></unset>

Esteemed Legend

I would open a support ticket for this.

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

I had to bypass the whole mess by proxying the timepicker values through addinfo and a base search like this:

<search id="timepickerHistoryBase">
| addinfo
| eval span = if(isnum(info_max_time), info_max_time, now()) - info_min_time</query>
    <!-- if time is less than 12 hours, show Hour, 15 Min, Min --> 
    <condition match="$result.span$lt;43201">
      <set token="hour_top">12hour</set> 
      <unset token="7day_top"></unset> 
      <unset token="1month_top"></unset> 
      <unset token="gt_month"></unset> 
      <unset token="span"></unset> 
      <set token="7day_top">7day</set> 
      <unset token="hour_top"></unset> 
      <unset token="1month_top"></unset> 
      <unset token="gt_month"></unset> 
      <unset token="span"></unset> 
0 Karma

Revered Legend

I would give this a try (changing the location of your <condition> to a separate <search> element.

<input type="time" token="api_time" searchWhenChanged="true"> 
<label>($api_time.latest$) - ($api_time.earliest$)</label> 
<search id="search_logic">
      <query>| gentimes start=-1 | addinfo | table info_min_time info_max_time | where info_max_time-info_min_time < 43201 </query>
           <!-- if time is less than 12 hours, show Hour, 15 Min, Min --> 
 <condition match="'job.resultCount' == 0">
<set token="hour_top">12hour</set> 
<unset token="7day_top"></unset> 
<unset token="1month_top"></unset> 
<unset token="gt_month"></unset> 
<unset token="span"></unset> 
<set token="7day_top">7day</set> 
<unset token="hour_top"></unset> 
<unset token="1month_top"></unset> 
<unset token="gt_month"></unset> 
<unset token="span"></unset> 
0 Karma


Nope, that doesn't do it

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

I see now that my answer is essentially the same as this one and it most definitely works. Try them both again.

0 Karma
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