Dashboards & Visualizations

Using mvmap in eval token



I am trying to format multi-value cell data in a dashboard table using mvmap in an eval token before passing it on to a drilldown, however I am unable to figure out how to format the eval function and if this approach would work at all. I would appreciate if someone could tell me why this function fails.

I have included a test dashboard which shows sample data (sample column) and the format that I would like to create (test column). Unfortunately, the 'temptoken' token never gets evaluated.

Note, I understand that I could use different workarounds to avoid using mvmap in an eval token, such as creating a hidden field in the table and use it for drilldown, or using different eval functions (depending on the use case). I am specifically interested in the format of using mvmap in an eval token, as this function could be really useful in more complex cases that I have to deal with.

  <label>mvmap in eval token</label>
| makeresults 
| fields - _time
| eval sample = "text1 -> text2,text3 -> text4"
| eval sample = split(sample, ",")
``` the SPL above this line will generate the sample data ```
| eval test = mvmap(sample, split(sample, " -> "))
        <option name="drilldown">cell</option>
          <condition match="$click.name2$==&quot;sample&quot;">
           <!-- This eval function is not working --> 
           <eval token="temptoken">mvmap('row.sample', split('row.sample', " -> "))</eval>
          <condition match="$click.name2$==&quot;test&quot;">
            <eval token="temptoken2">'row.test'</eval>
        temptoken: $temptoken$
        temptoken2: $temptoken2$


Best Regards,


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1 Solution



The Simple XML <eval> tag implements a subset of eval functions in JavaScript. Internally, multivalued results are JavaScript arrays. They are collapsed to comma-delimited strings when returned as values.

See $SPLUNK_HOME/share/splunk/search_mrsparkle/exposed/js/util/eval/functions/multivalue.js for the list of supported functions:

  • split()
  • mvappend()
  • mvcount()
  • mvfind()
  • mvindex()
  • mvjoin()
  • mvdedup()
  • mvsort()
  • mvrange()
  • mvzip()
  • mvfilter()

Unfortunately, mvmap() is not supported.

Props to the dashboards and visualizations team for supporting as much as they did!

View solution in original post


Hi @tscroggins, thank you for the detailed explanation, and also for pointing out where I should look for the answer the next time 🙂



0 Karma



The Simple XML <eval> tag implements a subset of eval functions in JavaScript. Internally, multivalued results are JavaScript arrays. They are collapsed to comma-delimited strings when returned as values.

See $SPLUNK_HOME/share/splunk/search_mrsparkle/exposed/js/util/eval/functions/multivalue.js for the list of supported functions:

  • split()
  • mvappend()
  • mvcount()
  • mvfind()
  • mvindex()
  • mvjoin()
  • mvdedup()
  • mvsort()
  • mvrange()
  • mvzip()
  • mvfilter()

Unfortunately, mvmap() is not supported.

Props to the dashboards and visualizations team for supporting as much as they did!

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