Dashboards & Visualizations

Using JavaScript variables in SearchManager


I am using SplunkJS to display an HTML page with JavaScript. I have tried everything to try and get the SearchManager query to use a JavaScript variable (ex. using splQuery, +splQuery+, etc.). If I enter the Splunk query in quotes instead of the variable, it does work.


var splQuery = "| makeresults";
var SearchManager = require("splunkjs/mvc/searchmanager");

var mysearch = new SearchManager({
  id: "mysearch",
  autostart: "false",
  search: splQuery


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1 Solution


I had to use a combination of plain text and a JavaScript variable for this to work.

var splQuery = "makeresults";
var SearchManager = require("splunkjs/mvc/searchmanager");

var mysearch = new SearchManager({
  id: "mysearch",
  autostart: "false",
  search: "| " + splQuery

View solution in original post


I had to use a combination of plain text and a JavaScript variable for this to work.

var splQuery = "makeresults";
var SearchManager = require("splunkjs/mvc/searchmanager");

var mysearch = new SearchManager({
  id: "mysearch",
  autostart: "false",
  search: "| " + splQuery


Take a look at this example, where it sets the search property outside the initial constructor



        // Update the search query
        mysearch.settings.set("search", "index=_internal | head 2");
0 Karma


I just tried, but unfortunately this is not working. I'm still running into the same issue where the search is not using the JavaScript variable. In the below code, I even tried "+splQuery+" but nothing.


var splQuery = "| makeresults";
var SearchManager = require("splunkjs/mvc/searchmanager");

var mysearch = new SearchManager({
  id: "mysearch",
  autostart: "false",
  search: ""

mysearch.settings.set("search", splQuery);​



0 Karma


This is an example from the Splunk dashboard examples app - (Custom Table Row Expansion) - which shows lazy search string evaluation.


], function(_, TableView, ChartView, SearchManager, mvc) {
    var EventSearchBasedRowExpansionRenderer = TableView.BaseRowExpansionRenderer.extend({
        initialize: function() {
            // initialize will run once, so we will set up a search and a chart to be reused.
            this._searchManager = new SearchManager({
                id: 'details-search-manager',
                preview: false
            this._chartView = new ChartView({
                'managerid': 'details-search-manager',
                'charting.legend.placement': 'none'

        canRender: function(rowData) {
            // Since more than one row expansion renderer can be registered we let each decide if they can handle that
            // data
            // Here we will always handle it.
            return true;

        render: function($container, rowData) {
            // rowData contains information about the row that is expanded.  We can see the cells, fields, and values
            // We will find the sourcetype cell to use its value
            var sourcetypeCell = _(rowData.cells).find(function (cell) {
                return cell.field === 'sourcetype';

            //update the search with the sourcetype that we are interested in
            this._searchManager.set({ search: 'index=_internal sourcetype=' + sourcetypeCell.value + ' | timechart count' });

            // $container is the jquery object where we can put out content.
            // In this case we will render our chart and add it to the $container

    var tableElement = mvc.Components.getInstance('expand_with_events');
    tableElement.getVisualization(function(tableView) {
        // Add custom cell renderer, the table will re-render automatically.
        tableView.addRowExpansionRenderer(new EventSearchBasedRowExpansionRenderer());


0 Karma


Still not working for me, unfortunately.

0 Karma
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