I have a configuration with two lookups on the same source of data. One lookup associates a numeric field, AccountID, with a two letter CHAINCODE. The second lookup associates the CHAINCODE with a CHAINNAME, which is a string of arbitrary length.
I then have a search that looks like this:
host=*prod* sourcetype="statslog" getsingleavailability | chart count, avg(exec_time) as avg_exec by CHAINNAME | eval round_exec=round(avg_exec) | fields CHAINNAME, count, round_exec | sort - round_exec | rename ACCT_NAME as Hotel, round_exec as "Average Avail Response Time (ms)", count as Transactions, CHAINNAME as Chain
When I run this search from the toolbar or as a saved search, realtime results are displayed as expected.
If I add a panel containing this realtime saved search to a simple dashboard, the results panel never gets past "Waiting for search preview results".
If I modify the search so it charts by CHAINCODE (from the first lookup) instead of CHANNAME (from the second), results do get displayed in the realtime dashboard view.
Any clues?
In general, we don't support chaining of automatic lookups as they are not guaranteed to be executed in any particular order. Try making the CHAINNAME lookup explicit in your search rather than having it in props.conf. E.g.
host=*prod* sourcetype="statslog" getsingleavailability | lookup chainname_table CHAINCODE OUTPUT CHAINNAME | chart count, avg(exec_time) as avg_exec by CHAINNAME
In general, we don't support chaining of automatic lookups as they are not guaranteed to be executed in any particular order. Try making the CHAINNAME lookup explicit in your search rather than having it in props.conf. E.g.
host=*prod* sourcetype="statslog" getsingleavailability | lookup chainname_table CHAINCODE OUTPUT CHAINNAME | chart count, avg(exec_time) as avg_exec by CHAINNAME
Makes sense. Thanks!