Dashboards & Visualizations

Token value change does not update Search Manager

New Member


Generally I want to have an text input field where you can enter an String which updates the table view.
Now when I am opening the Site he uses the default value of the text input field, but when I am changing the text in the txt input field the table view will not get updated. Do you have any hints what the problem is?

Regards Johann


    ) {

        var tokens = mvc.Components.getInstance("default");

        var tableView1 = new TableView({
            id: 'table1',
            managerid: 'simplesearch1',
            el: $('#table1')

        var table2 = new TableView({
            id: 'table2',
            managerid: 'simplesearch1',
            el: $('#table2')

           var textinput1 = new TextInputView({
                 id: "tf",
                default: "*",
                  value: mvc.tokenSafe("$searchQuery$"),
                  el: $("#tf")

        var ICONS = {
            severe: 'alert-circle',
            elevated: 'alert',
            low: 'check-circle'

        var CustomIconCellRenderer = TableView.BaseCellRenderer.extend({
            canRender: function(cell) {
                return cell.field === 'range';

            render: function($td, cell) {
                var icon = 'question';
                if(ICONS.hasOwnProperty(cell.value)) {
                    icon = ICONS[cell.value];
                $td.addClass('icon').html(_.template('<i class="icon-<%-icon%> <%- range %>" title="<%- range %>"></i>', {
                    icon: icon,
                    range: cell.value

        new SearchManager({
            id: 'simplesearch1',
            search: mvc.tokenSafe("index=_internal | search $searchQuery$ | head 10000 | stats count by sourcetype,source,host | rangemap field=count low=0-100 elevated=101-1000 default=severe"),
            //cache: true,
            preview: true,
            //autostart: true

        tableView1.table.addCellRenderer(new CustomIconCellRenderer());


<dashboard script="ip_profiler.js" stylesheet="ip_profiler.css">

          <div id="tf"></div>

      <table id="table1">
        <option name="wrap">undefined</option>
        <option name="rowNumbers">undefined</option>
        <option name="drilldown">row</option>
0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

It looks like you are missing the code to react to the text input value change, like so:
textinput1.on("change", function(newValue) {

I would try adding that and see if it executes your search again.

0 Karma
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