Dashboards & Visualizations

Time Picker on view does not print

Path Finder

I have created a dashboard that has a time picker on it. When I print the page out of my browser, the time picker does not print. Is there a way I can add some html to my report that would show the range of time that was indicated in the time picker?
I need to indicate the range of time the report represents for audit purposes. Yesterday or Last 24 hours is relative from the time the search was run. I need to indicate a firm From and To date on the report.

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1) If you're using the advanced XML, you can put a ResultsHeader module in the view, and it will include the number of results and the timerange.

2) If you're using the advanced XML and the Sideview Utils app, you can use Sideview's HTML module, and give it HTML content like:

<h2>$count$ users found $search.timeRange.label$</h2>

where $search.timeRange.label$ will print out a nice readable label like "in the last 24 hours", or "from 7 PM through 9 PM Sunday, January 15, 2012".

3) the file that specifies the css to hide things like this while printing is at $SPLUNK_HOME/share/splunk/search_mrsparkle/exposed/css/print.css. Specifically I think it's the display:none style applied to .layoutRow.splSearchControls-inline.

Removing the .layoutRow.splSearchControls-inline from that big list at the top, will make the TimeRangePicker visible, as well as probably the SearchBar and the SubmitButton.

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What browser are you using? Have you tried using a different browser?

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