hi, I have following problem when creating a scatter chart, the search returned >1000 entries, how can I increase the maximum results of the graph??
I got this message.
This visualization is configured to display a maximum of 1000 results per series
I have modified JSChart.conf but it seems to be not working.
I know this question is ancient, but I was just dealing with this problem trying to show a line graph for the stats reported by the TA for Unix. I was able to solve the 1000 results per series issue and also get better control over which stats are displayed by explicitly using a timechart command. So my search string went from:
`os_index` `cpu_sourcetype` all
`os_index` `cpu_sourcetype` all | timechart avg(pctIowait), avg(pctSystem), avg(pctUser)
I think that in this case, the timechart command does the aggregation by time which winds up sending less data points to the graph itself.
The setting is looking at charting.chart.data.count at the maximum limit of events to retrieve, and the default is 1000.
see http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.1/AdvancedDev/AdvChartingConfig-LayoutData#Timeline_...
Can you try adding this parameter with a higher limit and retry ?
`< option name="charting.data.count" >9999</ option >
`this works on simple XML
Does this help?
You're likely better off modifying your search to yield less than 1000 results.