Hello Splunker,
I am in trouble to happen the issue to move the place of comment as like "" automatically.
To use the root element of in dashboard, the comment () automatically moves.
There are two triggers below.
1.Add input panel with GUI.
2.Delete input panel in GUI.
3.Change to dark mode with GUI.
This issue will be happened without saving the above actions.
Also I have confirmed with the following version and found the patterns.
v7.1.2, v7.3.1
-The pattern to move comment.
1. A comment outside the <row> element moves up one line in the <fieldset> element .
2. Within the <panel> element, the comment between </ panel> and </ table> moves to the line below .
3. The comment written one line below the <table> element of moves to the line one line of </ search>.
Finally, I have understood the comments did not move between </ search> and </ table>, which are the place to put .
Is it in the specifications? OR workaround?
I have already the answers.
I appreciate any advice and tips.