I am new to Splunk and looking for some help. I am trying to merge my lookup file data with search results and rearrange them for better usage
My search results are
User Accessed application Count
A Prog 1 10
A Prog 2 6
A Prog 3 8
B Prog 2 4
B Prog 4 6
And my lookup file data is
Accessed application Auth_object
Prog 1 Auth object 1
Prog 1 Auth object 2
Prog 1 Auth object 3
Prog 1 common_auth_object
Prog 2 Auth object 1
Prog 2 Auth object 4
Prog 2 common_auth_object
Prog 3 Auth object 1
And my expected results are
User Accessed application Auth_object part_of_common_auth_object Count
A Prog 1 Auth object 1 x 10
A Prog 1 Auth object 2 x 10
A Prog 1 Auth object 3 x 10
A Prog 3 Auth object 1 8
instead of showing a seperate line for program that is part of common auth object, I want to show as X next to other auth object to indicate that the program is also part of common object.
hi Vijay,
You can try below query:
| fields User, "Accessed application", Count
| lookup filename.csv "Accessed application" OUTPUT Auth_object
| eval part_of_common_auth_object=if(match(Auth_object, "common_auth_object"), "x", "")
| mvexpand Auth_object
| where NOT Auth_object="common_auth_object"
| fields User, "Accessed application", Auth_object, part_of_common_auth_object, Count
If this reply helps you, a like would be appreciated.