Hi Team,
I am trying to create a dashboard pie chart visualization with the spl query.
we have total_apps are 300, how many apps(count) are there out of this.
Note: why i am using "dc" here we have foo_foo_1, foo_foo_2, foo_foo_3 apps.
|rest /services/data/indexes
|rename title as index
|rex field=index "^foo_(?<appname>.+)"
|rex field=index "^foo_(?<appname>.+)_"
|table appname, index
|stats dc(appname) as currentapps
|eval currentapps = currentapps
|eval total_apps = 300
from this in pie chart its showing only total_apps or currentapps not both in single pie chart
so what is the issue.
Try something like this
|rest /services/data/indexes
|rename title as index
|rex field=index "^foo_(?<appname>.+)"
|rex field=index "^foo_(?<appname>.+)_"
|table appname, index
|stats dc(appname) as count
|eval title = "currentapps"
| append
[| makeresults
| eval count = 300
| eval title="total_apps"]
| table title count
Thanks @ITWhisperer its working for me
@ITWhisperer thanks for the response,
actually, I am creating a pie chart in dashboard that will show "totalapps" count and "appname" count on pie chart in two slices.
where our totalapps is 300, and i am extracting appnames using rex.
Try something like this
|rest /services/data/indexes
|rename title as index
|rex field=index "^foo_(?<appname>.+)"
|rex field=index "^foo_(?<appname>.+)_"
|table appname, index
|stats dc(appname) as count
|eval title = "currentapps"
| append
[| makeresults
| eval count = 300
| eval title="total_apps"]
| table title count
Numbers show up when you hover over each segment
So where i can change the changes in the spl or xml source @
What changes are you expecting - this is the way pie charts work - you could consider appending the value to the title
|rest /services/data/indexes
|rename title as index
|rex field=index "^foo_(?<appname>.+)"
|rex field=index "^foo_(?<appname>.+)_"
|table appname, index
|stats dc(appname) as count
|eval title = "currentapps: ".count
| append
[| makeresults
| eval count = 300
| eval title="total_apps: ".count]
| table title count
As you can see here, there are no configuration options for this feature
1) yes, this is the first approach i have take, later i posted in the community. But why its not showing the value count over chart.
2) by the way @ITWhisperer if you have any idea please help me for this
3)is it possible to remove the label name below colored where like "Mon Jan 15" to "Jan 15" like this. from UI or XML source or SPL
1) already answered - standard pie charts don't have this feature in Splunk
2) responded in thread
3) edit your dashboard panel and change the x-axis title to none
@ITWhisperer for this 3) edit your dashboard panel and change the x-axis title to none
I have found the solution to this issue. I applied the following SPL code to the existing SPL, and the visualization updated automatically to reflect the changes.
|timechart span=1d count
|eval Date=strftime(_time, "%m/%d")
|table Date, count
@ITWhisperer thanks for your time...
It is not clear what result you are expecting - please can you expand your question