Dashboards & Visualizations

Show list of Eventtypes in Dashboard Drop Down

New Member

I have multiple event types that are tagged with either Defect or Error.

What I would like to do is show all the eventtypes in a drop down on a dashboard so i will be able to search by eventtype.

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Esteemed Legend

Here is a much better (faster and always complete) way to get your eventtype names:

| rest/servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-eventtypes 
| search eai:acl.app="*" 
| dedup id 
| table eai:acl.owner eai:acl.sharing disabled title search priority 
| rename eai:acl.* AS *
| table title
| sort 0 title

If you need only those in context of app foo, then change to this part:

| rest/servicesNS/-/foo/configs/conf-eventtypes

If you need only those owned by app foo, then change to this part:

| rest/servicesNS/-/foo/configs/conf-eventtypes
| search eai:acl.app="foo"
0 Karma


1) code a search that gives you the list you want.

for example

index=foo  (your search terms that gets all events for the time range) | dedup eventtype | table eventtype | sort 0 eventype

2) put that search as the source query for the dropdown and set <fieldForLabel> and <fieldForValue> to eventtype.

There is an example input similar to this (but slightly more complicated in the query itself) called TokFilter1 here...

Look for the section that starts <input type="dropdown" token="tokFilter1" searchWhenChanged="true"> and ends </input>.

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