Dashboards & Visualizations

Search Query for Splunk Usage


Hi Everyone,

I have one requirement. I have multiple dashboards . I want to calculate the usage of the dashboards based on the search user.

Below are my search's.






For individual I am using this query:

index="_internal" SplunkMetadataCounter |stats count by search user.

I am getting the result like this:

search                                                                                                         user   count

search+index_internal%22+SplunkMetadataCounter            kh     1

I want to calculate the dashboard usage on the basis of search and user: I want some query like this not sure this is accurate or not

index="_internal" SplunkMetadataCounter | eval dashboard_name = (if search or sourcetype contains SplunkMetadataCounter ” then dashboard name is“SplunkMetadataCounter 2” else search or sourcetype contains JenkinsBuildReport then dashboard name is“BuildReports ” .................................................) stats count by search user


At the end I want one query which will tell me like SplunkMetadataCounter is used 40 times JenkinsBuildReport is used 20 times like that.

SplunkMetadataCounter -40 

JenkinsBuildReport -20

Extract -10

Can someone guide me on this.

Labels (2)
0 Karma


Hi @aditsss .. one warning beforehand... "Do not completely rely on current usage stats of dashboard"..

Regarding the question, this query gives details about which user used which dashboard and how many times.. check it please:

index="_internal" user!="-" sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access "en-US/app" 
| rex field=referer "en-US/app/(?<app>[^/]+)/(?<dashboard>[^?/\s]+)" 
| search dashboard!="job_management" dashboard!="dbinfo" dashboard!="*en-US" dashboard!="search" dashboard!="home" dashboard!="alerts" dashboard!="dashboards" dashboard!="reports" dashboard!="report" 
| bucket _time span=1d 
| stats dc(dashboard) as c by dashboard user _time

this spl is from @somesoni2 , thanks somesoni!



thanks and best regards,

PS - If this or any post helped you in any way, pls consider upvoting, thanks for reading !
0 Karma




This query is not working for me 

index="_internal" user!="-" sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access "en-US/app" 
| rex field=referer "en-US/app/(?<app>[^/]+)/(?<dashboard>[^?/\s]+)" 
| search dashboard!="job_management" dashboard!="dbinfo" dashboard!="*en-US" dashboard!="search" dashboard!="home" dashboard!="alerts" dashboard!="dashboards" dashboard!="reports" dashboard!="report" 
| bucket _time span=1d 
| stats dc(dashboard) as c by dashboard user _time

If I want to see the dashboard usage of only these two dashboards then what query I should follow:



I want  some query like this:

index="_internal" SplunkMetadataCounter | eval dashboard_name = (if search or sourcetype contains SplunkMetadataCounter ” then dashboard name is“SplunkMetadataCounter 2” else search or sourcetype contains JenkinsBuildReport then dashboard name is“BuildReports ” .................................................) stats count by search user


At the end I want one query which will tell me like SplunkMetadataCounter is used 40 times JenkinsBuildReport is used 20 times like that.

SplunkMetadataCounter -40 

JenkinsBuildReport -20

Can someone guide me on this please.

Extract -10

0 Karma


The referrer field is present for events using the ReST interface, so unless you are using that on some form, you probably won't get any results. 

index="_internal" user!="-" sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access "en-US/app" 
| rex "en-US/app/(?<app>[^/]+)/(?<dashboard>[^?/\s]+)" 
| search dashboard="splunkmetadatacounter" OR dashboard="jenkinsbuildreport" 
| bucket _time span=1d 
| stats dc(dashboard) as c by dashboard user _time

I changed the dashboard names to lower case but even then this may not be right. You should look at your browser address bar when you are on the relevant dashboards to see how the dashboard is named in the url and use that. 

0 Karma




Its not giving me the correct counts.

I want on the basis of search and user. When I am putting individual like this:

index="_internal" UserLicense| stats count by search user

search                                                                                                                          count                                                                                                                                                                        user

search+index%3D%22_internal%22+GfMonitoring-UserLicense      2           a                                          

search+index%3D%22_internal%22+UserLicense                                    2             a                                  

search+index%3D%22_internal%22+UserLicense%7C+stats+count+by+search  2                  

search+index%3D%22_internal%22+UserLicense%7C+stats+count+by+search+user                                                                                                              2       a

Below are my logs:

10-07-2020 00:36:36.586 -0700 INFO StreamedSearch - Streamed search connection terminated: search_id=remote_e1_7.3.4_sh_kma__kma_RVBTRl9JbmZyYXN0cnVjdHVyZQ__search7_1602056192.7334, server=ssh, active_searches=12, elapsedTime=0.055, search='litsearch (Name="*" FolderName="*" (index="idx5" OR index="idx3") (sourcetype="Monitoring-UserLicense"))

I want query like this . If search contains "UserLicense" then dashboard name and its count by search user:

index="_internal" UserLicense | eval dashboard_name = (if search or sourcetype contains UserLicense ” then dashboard name is“UserLicense ” else search or sourcetype contains JenkinsBuildReport then dashboard name is“JenkinsBuildReport ” .................................................) stats count by search user.

At the end I want like this how many times dashboard is used:

UserLicense -20

JenkinsBuildReport -40

Can you guide me on this.


0 Karma


The log entry you provided doesn't look to me like the entry you might be interested in - for a start there doesn't appear to be a user field. Do you have some more log entries that demonstrate the events you are looking for?

0 Karma


Can someone please guide me  for splunk usage dashboard query.

0 Karma


 Hi @ITWhisperer ,

Below are my sourcetypes:




My requirement is like I don't  want to extract something . I want to calculate the count how many times dashboard is used by user.

So now if I am running individual's queries for each sourcetype like this:

index="_internal" Extract| stats count by user 

I am getting the result like this:

user                 count

ma20             30

Similarly for the 2nd individual query:

index="_internal" EventLogFiles| stats count by user 

user                     count
ma20                  15

Now I want to combine all into one by either using switch statement or If statement and using Eval clause.

Logs for your reference:(Here ma20 is the user) - ma20 [07/Oct/2020:12:29:46.730 -0700] "GET /en-US/splunkd/__raw/services/search/shelper?output_mode=json&snippet=true&snippetEmbedJS=false&namespace=search&search=search+index%3D%22_internal%22+EventLogFiles%7Cstats+count+by+search+user&useTypeahead

Either something like this(Its not accurate)

index="_internal" Infrastructure
| eval DashboardName=if(like(uri, "%EventLogFiles%"), "EventLogFiles",

if(like(uri, "%Extract%"), "Extract",

"Unknown Dashboards"))
| stats count by DashboardName user.

Can you guide me on this so that I can get dashboard name,user and count by using If or swiitch.

@ITWhisperer  How can I used multiple if statements here or switch case with eval.

0 Karma

index="_internal" Infrastructure
| eval DashboardName=case(like(uri, "%EventLogFiles%"), "EventLogFiles", like(uri, "%Extract%"), "Extract", true(), "Unknown Dashboards")
| stats count by DashboardName user



I treid with below script.

index="_internal" Infrastructure
| eval DashboardName=if(like(uri, "%EventLogFiles%"), "EventLogFiles",
if(like(uri, "%JenkinsBuildReport%"), "JenkinsBuildReport",JenkinsBuildReport",if(like(uri,"%OrgHealthCheck%"), "OrgHealthCheck",
"Unknown Dashboard")))|stats count by DashboardName user


DashboardName                                                              user                  count
JenkinsBuildReport                                                       ma19                48
SalesforceEventLogFiles                                              math                2
Unknown Dashboard                                                     runel               643
Unknown Dashboard                                                     ma19            2622

Its not showing the 3rd one OrgHealthCheck count with user . Nor its showing the correct count event log files and Jenkins build report. Where I have gone wrong.

Can you guide me.

0 Karma


Please repost the exact query (preferably in a code block) as there appears to have been some pasting errors.

0 Karma




index="_internal" Infrastructure
| eval DashboardName=if(like(uri, "%EventLogFiles%"), "EventLogFiles",
if(like(uri, "%JenkinsBuildReport%"), "JenkinsBuildReport",if(like(uri,"%OrgHealthCheck%"), "OrgHealthCheck",
"Unknown Dashboard")))|stats count by DashboardName user

DashboardName                                                              user                  count
JenkinsBuildReport                                                       ma19                48
SalesforceEventLogFiles                                              math                2
Unknown Dashboard                                                     runel               643
Unknown Dashboard                                                     ma19            2622

Its not showing the 3rd one OrgHealthCheck count with user . Nor its showing the correct count for event log files and Jenkins build report. Where I have gone wrong.

Can you guide me.


0 Karma



This is not working for me.


index="_internal" Infrastructure
| eval DashboardName=case(like(uri, "%EventLogFiles%"), "EventLogFiles", like(uri, "%Extract%"), "Extract", true(), "Unknown Dashboards")
| stats count by DashboardName user

 Not getting the correct counts.Its only showing the EventLogFiles and unknown dashboards(Counts are not correct) not the Extract dashboards count.

I tried with append not sure its correct or not.

index="_internal" EventLogFiles
| eval DashboardName=if(like(uri, "%EventLogFiles%"), "EventLogFiles", "Unknown Dashboards")
| stats count by DashboardName user|append[search index="_internal" Extract
| eval DashboardName=if(like(uri, "%Extract%"), "Extract", "Unknown Dashboards")
| stats count by DashboardName user].


How can I do it without using append and get correct counts.


0 Karma


@ITWhisperer  Can you please guide me on this. How can I used multiple if statements or switch with eval for below query:

index="_internal" Infrastructure
| eval DashboardName=if(like(uri, "%EventLogFiles%"), "EventLogFiles",

if(like(uri, "%Extract%"), "Extract",

"Unknown Dashboards"))
| stats count by DashboardName user.

Your solutions always works for me please help me out.

0 Karma
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