Run the search, the labels are there. Resize the window, labels switch to undefined. This apparently happens on Splunk 6.2.0, testing against 6.1.2 seemed fine. Tested with recent versions of IE, Chrome, and Firefox on Windows - all three show this behaviour. JS console is quiet.
This has been fixed in 6.2.2.
Any solution to this prblm?
2015-2-23 SPL-92595 Pie chart labels changes to undefined upon browser resize.
This also impact printing from dashboards. The printed page will also have "undefined" labels. Confirmed in 6.2.1
Hi guys
Same here.
I just filed a bug report about that.
Workaround: labels will return back if you refresh the page.
confirmed, same here running 6.2 on Linux using Chromium and Firefox
Same here (6.2, Linux, build 237341)