I have a dashboard with a dropdown that contains a list of values. The value of the choices must change based on what is chosen from another dropdown, but the label needs to stay the same.
First, I tried just putting the token name in the value of the static dropdowns, but when I tried that, the dropdown defaulted to the value, instead of its label, which I think it does if no value matches what it has. In other words, Splunk is not parsing the value of the token in the static values. I can't have the value showing up in the label of the dropdown. This is unnacceptable for my use case.
Secondly, I removed all static choices and am using a dynamic query, but the query does not recognize the token either. I am using tokens in all of my other dynamic dropdowns just fine and i'm only having trouble with this one. It is the only one using a token initilized on page load. I verified the token is set on page load already by extracting its value elsewhere.
< form>
<set token="env_prod_tag">ProdIndexED</set>
<set token="env_nonprod_tag">NonProdIndexED</set>
The dropdown is this. It's basically 4 rows, or 4 makeresults appended together.
<input type="dropdown" token="EnvironmentType" searchWhenChanged="false">
<label>Environment Type</label>
<query>| makeresults 1
| eval label="ED Production"
| eval value=$env_prod_tag$
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="All Production"
| eval value="ProdIndex"]
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="ED Non-Production"
| eval value=$env_nonprod_tag$]
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="All Non-Production"
| eval value="NonProdIndex"]
| table label, value</query>
On the dashboard, both tags are confirmed set.
There is no error in the dropdown. I have a search panel with the same query as the dropdown so I can debug it. The error in the search panel is "Search is waiting for input...", indicating the token is not set.
The token is set.
Please let me know what I may be missing. thanks,
@weidertc I think you are missing double quotes for tokens. Like | eval value="$env_prod_tag$"
Please try the following and confirm:
<set token="env_prod_tag">ProdIndexED</set>
<set token="env_nonprod_tag">NonProdIndexED</set>
<fieldset submitButton="false"></fieldset>
<input type="dropdown" token="EnvironmentType" searchWhenChanged="false">
<label>Environment Type</label>
<query>| makeresults 1
| eval label="ED Production"
| eval value="$env_prod_tag$"
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="All Production"
| eval value="ProdIndex"]
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="ED Non-Production"
| eval value="$env_nonprod_tag$"]
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="All Non-Production"
| eval value="NonProdIndex"]
| table label, value</query>
<set token="selectedLabel">$label$</set>
Selected Label: $selectedLabel$ | Selected Value: $EnvironmentType$
<query>| makeresults 1
| eval label="ED Production"
| eval value="$env_prod_tag$"
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="All Production"
| eval value="ProdIndex"]
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="ED Non-Production"
| eval value="$env_nonprod_tag$"]
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="All Non-Production"
| eval value="NonProdIndex"]
| table label, value
@weidertc I think you are missing double quotes for tokens. Like | eval value="$env_prod_tag$"
Please try the following and confirm:
<set token="env_prod_tag">ProdIndexED</set>
<set token="env_nonprod_tag">NonProdIndexED</set>
<fieldset submitButton="false"></fieldset>
<input type="dropdown" token="EnvironmentType" searchWhenChanged="false">
<label>Environment Type</label>
<query>| makeresults 1
| eval label="ED Production"
| eval value="$env_prod_tag$"
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="All Production"
| eval value="ProdIndex"]
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="ED Non-Production"
| eval value="$env_nonprod_tag$"]
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="All Non-Production"
| eval value="NonProdIndex"]
| table label, value</query>
<set token="selectedLabel">$label$</set>
Selected Label: $selectedLabel$ | Selected Value: $EnvironmentType$
<query>| makeresults 1
| eval label="ED Production"
| eval value="$env_prod_tag$"
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="All Production"
| eval value="ProdIndex"]
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="ED Non-Production"
| eval value="$env_nonprod_tag$"]
| append
[| makeresults 1
| eval label="All Non-Production"
| eval value="NonProdIndex"]
| table label, value
i'll accept this as it's probably the right answer. I don't think I asked it correctly. I will start a new thread.
thanks for your help
Good catch. I have just tried this, but it made no difference. I am still getting the value instead of the label.
The value that shows is actually the default value. i confirmed this by setting it to something that the token can't be. the token value changes based on another selection, but regardless of how i change it, it just shows the default value for that input field.