Hi Splunkers,
I am currently trying to create a pie chart that gets its data from a token:
host=* | eval $Overview$ | chart sum(Warning) as "Warnings" sum(Violation) as Violations sum(Alerts) as Alerts over sum(ALL)
I am looking to create a pie chart that shows these three values. Any help is appreciated
Thank you,
Hi Splunkers,
I found the solution:
host=* | eval $Overview$ | chart sum(Warning) as "Warnings" sum(Violation) as Violations sum(Alerts) as Alerts | transpose
I was missing the transpose command.
Thank you,
Hi Splunkers,
I found the solution:
host=* | eval $Overview$ | chart sum(Warning) as "Warnings" sum(Violation) as Violations sum(Alerts) as Alerts | transpose
I was missing the transpose command.
Thank you,
| makeresults count=20
| eval Warning = random() % 20,Violation = random() % 20, Alerts = random() % 20
| rename COMMENT as "The sample. from here, the logic."
| chart sum(Warning) as "Warnings" sum(Violation) as Violations sum(Alerts) as Alerts
| eval tmp="1"
| untable tmp Status Count
| fields - tmp
| rename COMMENT as "Viz >> Pie Chart"