When i use 3 different fields in pie chart , the drill down is not working for me.
for example ,
|stats sum(CountOf_Pass) as "Tests Pass",sum(CountOf_Fail as "Tests Fail",sum(CountOf_Excluded) as "Excluded Tests"|transpose|rename "row 1" as "Count"
This is my code .When i use this Drill down , i am getting the initial new search page and not the drill down values .The drill down code is
|stats sum(CountOf_Pass) as "Tests Pass",sum(CountOf_Fail as "Tests Fail",sum(CountOf_Excluded) as "Excluded Tests"|transpose|rename "row 1" as "Count"|search $column$="$click.value$"
|rename Assessment as "Assessment "CountOf_Pass as "Tests Pass" CountOf_Fail as "Tests Fail" CountOf_Excluded as "Excluded Tests"|Table "Assessment " "Tests Passed" "Tests Failed"
Please help me to make this drill down work