Hi Splunk gurus!
Our application exposes different services as APIs. All API traffic coming into the application is logged in Splunk.
For reporting purposes, we display the total call volume in the format below.
using the query
index=something | top limit=100 service_name | sort by count desc | rename count as "# of calls", percent as "% of total calls"
The requirement now is to only show services which have call volume > 5%, but to summate all the remaining ones into a single row called 'Other'. So, the final output should be something like:
Need help on how to achieve this please.
Try this!
| top limit=100 service_name
| eval service_name=if(percent>5,service_name,"Other")
| stats sum(count) as count,sum(percent) as percent by service_name
| sort by count desc
| rename count as "# of calls", percent as "% of total calls"
If you're gonna group everything under 5% as "Other", then do you really want to limit to the top 100? Your percentage won't add up to 100%.
@technie101, are you planning on using table or pie chart to show the results?
Hi technie101,
try something like this:
| eventstats count AS Total
| stats values(Total) AS Total count BY service_name
| eval perc=count/Total*100
| table service_name count perc
| eval service_name=if(perc>5,service_name,"Other")
| stats sum(count) AS count BY service_name
| sort by count desc
| rename count as "# of calls"
@cusello, I would perform stats first and then eventstats to apply to limited services (~100 based on current query), rather than enriching all events with eventstats.
| stats count by service_name
| eventstats sum(count) as Total
Try this!
| top limit=100 service_name
| eval service_name=if(percent>5,service_name,"Other")
| stats sum(count) as count,sum(percent) as percent by service_name
| sort by count desc
| rename count as "# of calls", percent as "% of total calls"
Thanks Hiroshi. I've accepeted the answer because the changes on top of what I was already using were minimal.
Please be careful as it is truncated at the top 100.
| top limit=100 service_name
@technie101, you should be comparing results (as stated by @HiroshiSatoh) and performance (using Job Inspector) with the queries posted as answers. You should choose the query which gives accurate results as per your need and also performs the best while executing.
Hey @technie101, Can you post your final search that utilized @HiroshiSatoh's answer? That would be great to see altogether for other users. I think it would be great to feature in the Smart Answers blog series as well. 🙂
Hi @technie101,
Can you please try?
| eval srno=1
| accum srno | eval service=if(srno>5,"Other",service)
| stats sum("# of calls") as "# of calls" sum("% of total calls") as "% of total calls" by service
Change if condition as per your requirement "if(srno>5,"Other",service)