I'm trying to create 2 dashboards with 1 time range picker. Panel #1 uses the default time using the time range picker and Panel #2 will show the exact same time range but 1 week ago using other tokens defined in the time range picker.
I seem to have an issue with the time range picker and updating the panel #2 when i change the time. When i first start the dashboard, the dashboard will run correctly. But when i go to change the time again, panel #2 doesn't update. And when i go to change the time again, panel #2 will display the results from the previous time.
Any ideas?
Below is the code i have:
<fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true">
<input type="time" token="time" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Current Time</label>
<eval token="earliest_offset">relative_time(now(), $time.earliest$) - 604800</eval>
<eval token="latest_offset">relative_time(now(), $time.latest$) - 604800</eval>
<query>`search string`</query>
<query>`search string`</query>
Feed the earliest and latest tokens to dummy search to perform eval to set relative_time.
<fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true">
<input type="time" token="time" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Current Time</label>
<query>| makeresults
| eval EarliestTime=$time.earliest$
<eval token="earliest_offset">relative_time(now(), $time.earliest$) - 604800</eval>
<eval token="latest_offset">relative_time(now(), $time.latest$) - 604800</eval>
<div>earliest_offset: $earliest_offset$</div>
<div>latest_offset: $latest_offset$</div>
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<input type="time" token="time_tok">
<label>select a time range</label>
<eval token="earliest_offset">relative_time(now(), $time.earliest$) - 604800</eval>
<eval token="latest_offset">relative_time(now(), $time.latest$) - 604800</eval>
<query>index=_internal group=pipeline</query>
<table depends="$earliest_offset$,$latest_offset$">
<query>index=_internal group=pipeline earliest=$earliest_offset$ latest=$latest_offset$</query>
Thanks sbbadri for your response. I'll give yours a try also.
Feed the earliest and latest tokens to dummy search to perform eval to set relative_time.
<fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true">
<input type="time" token="time" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Current Time</label>
<query>| makeresults
| eval EarliestTime=$time.earliest$
<eval token="earliest_offset">relative_time(now(), $time.earliest$) - 604800</eval>
<eval token="latest_offset">relative_time(now(), $time.latest$) - 604800</eval>
<div>earliest_offset: $earliest_offset$</div>
<div>latest_offset: $latest_offset$</div>
Thanks niketnilay!! I added below and it worked.
<query>| makeresults
| eval EarliestTime=$time.earliest$
<eval token="earliest_offset">relative_time(now(), $time.earliest$) - 604800</eval>
<eval token="latest_offset">relative_time(now(), $time.latest$) - 604800</eval>
Why does it need to be added to a dummy search first?
For two reasons, the time earliest and latest provided by time control as snap to time which is being used by the relative_time() function to generate new time.
Dummy search has been made depended on time input token to make sure it resets every time time changes in the input.