I've seen the notes about the patch that needs to be applied for the two-digit years in timestamps:
How do I do a quick-spot check of all my forwarders and full instances to make sure that datetime.xml has been patched?
The sha256sum of the patched datetime.xml file is this:
[root@ip-10-202-22-128 all_date_patch_props]# sha256sum datetime.xml
e6016245a677bff48ea7ddbe8d4b36f9acbd02918e1f90ead812892692d655ea datetime.xml
So I create a simple bash script (let's call it datetime_check.sh):
sha256sum $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/datetime.xml
sha256sum $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/all_date_patch_props/datetime.xml
sha256sum $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave_apps/idxc_date_patch_props/local/datetime.xml
This checks the three main locations that it might be (assuming the default app names) and generates the sum.
Then, make an inputs.conf:
disabled = false
index = main
interval = 3600
source = datetime_check
sourcetype = datetime_check
Then you can simply search for all the sums and use stats to track deployment progress.
The sha256sum of the patched datetime.xml file is this:
[root@ip-10-202-22-128 all_date_patch_props]# sha256sum datetime.xml
e6016245a677bff48ea7ddbe8d4b36f9acbd02918e1f90ead812892692d655ea datetime.xml
So I create a simple bash script (let's call it datetime_check.sh):
sha256sum $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/datetime.xml
sha256sum $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/all_date_patch_props/datetime.xml
sha256sum $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave_apps/idxc_date_patch_props/local/datetime.xml
This checks the three main locations that it might be (assuming the default app names) and generates the sum.
Then, make an inputs.conf:
disabled = false
index = main
interval = 3600
source = datetime_check
sourcetype = datetime_check
Then you can simply search for all the sums and use stats to track deployment progress.
Hi Asherer,
In your answer you check the datetime.xml check-sum (i.e sha256sum) in three locations
sha256sum $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/datetime.xml
sha256sum $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/all_date_patch_props/datetime.xml
sha256sum $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/slave_apps/idxc_date_patch_props/local/datetime.xml
is this location same for Deployment server, Search Head server, Indexer server and Universal forwarder server???