A search query in Dashobard Classic when split by Trellis in Visualization tab i gives 4 pie charts
index=log-13120-nonprod-c laas_appId=qbmp.prediction* "jobPredictionAnalysis" prediction lastEndDelta
| eval accuracy_category = case( abs(lastEndDelta) <= 600, 10, (abs(lastEndDelta) > 600 and abs(lastEndDelta) <= 1200), 20, (abs(lastEndDelta) > 1200 and abs(lastEndDelta) <= 1800), 30, 1==1,40)
| eval timeDistance_category = case(timeDistance < 3600, 1, (timeDistance>3600 and timeDistance<7200),2,(timeDistance>7200 and timeDistance<10800),3,1==1,4)
| chart count by accuracy_category
But if the same is embedded in Dashboard Studio I have to add a where clause to create the query result in 4 parts to get 4 pie charts becuase I cannot find Trellis option.
How to get 4 piecharts ( split by ... Trellis ) in Dashboard Studio ?
| where timeDistance_category=1
Thank you for your note. Since Trellis is not available in Dashboard Studio, what should be a good recommended workaround ?
I've not got a chance to play around with it, but I believe best option would be to use chained searches (similar to post-process in Classic dashboard). This way you'd be running one main search and then filter/branch out results from that search (in your case, different where clause). See more here:
Trellies are not supported on Dashboard Studio and AFAIK, there are no alternatives yet.