I have a multiselect input box for users to select the vpc/host(s) that will drive my panels.
Here is my issue...
Panel A expects a value of host=A OR host=B OR host=C
Panel B expects a value of vpcId=A OR vpcId=B or vpcId=C...
Panel C expects a value of root_event_search.h=A OR root_event_search.h=B or root_event_search.h=C
When defining my multinput I currently have:
<delimiter> OR </delimiter>
The values (A,B,C) are the same for every panel. Can I set the valuePrefix to something different within a panel? I.e. Set valuePrefix vpcId= or Set valuePrefix root_event_search.h=
I'm not sure if that's possible with a single multi-select using Simple XML (if it is, I'm sure someone will chime-in). Why not rename the fields to a common name in each of your panel searches though? That way the prefix will always match...
... base search ... | rename host as CommonHost | search $yourtoken$
... base search ... | rename vpcId as CommonHost | search $yourtoken$
It could be
Can you elaborate?
| tstats prestats=f dc(root_event_search.h) AS hostcount from datamodel=license_report2 | rename root_event_search.h AS host | search where host=*vpc-11111 OR host=*vpc-222222 OR host=*vpc-333333 OR host=*vpc-444444 OR host=*vpc-555555
If I run the above with my VPCs I get thousands of events matched for 24 hours, but for statistics "No results returned." End goal again is just to get a single value for the number of hosts.
Your query has to be modified now to include the field that you're filtering on later (root_event_search.h). Try something like this
| tstats prestats=f count from datamodel=license_report2 by root_event_search.h | rename root_event_search.h AS host | search where host=*vpc-11111 OR host=*vpc-222222 OR host=*vpc-333333 OR host=*vpc-444444 OR host=*vpc-555555 | stats count as hostcount
I'm not sure if that's possible with a single multi-select using Simple XML (if it is, I'm sure someone will chime-in). Why not rename the fields to a common name in each of your panel searches though? That way the prefix will always match...
... base search ... | rename host as CommonHost | search $yourtoken$
... base search ... | rename vpcId as CommonHost | search $yourtoken$
I run into an issue then when I go to rename root_event_search.h in this panel's search:
| tstats prestats=f dc(root_event_search.h) AS hostcount from datamodel=license_report2 where root_event_search.h=A OR root_event_search.h=B OR root_event_search.h=C
Where can I rename it without messing everything up? tstats has to begin the search.
At the very end.
| tstats prestats=f dc(root_event_search.h) AS hostcount from datamodel=license_report2 where root_event_search.h=A OR root_event_search.h=B OR root_event_search.h=C | rename root_event_search.h as CommonHost | search $yourtoken$
The issue with that code is that you've already searched for the token at the where clause. Otherwise there would be no value for A,B,C.
| tstats prestats=f dc(root_event_search.h) AS hostcount from datamodel=license_report2 where $CommonHost$| rename root_event_search.h as CommonHost
i.e. $CommonHost$ = CommonHost=vpc-1234 OR CommonHost=vpc-92820 OR CommonHost=23456
| tstats prestats=f dc(root_event_search.h) AS hostcount from datamodel=license_report2 | rename root_event_search.h as CommonHost | search $yourtoken$
You could also do where $yourtoken$
at the end.