I have few department names in one column which is currently shown in my dashboard.
Then am using drilldown for one of my field
<condition field="FIELD1">
| inputlookup file.csv | search Tower="$ba$" |fields name id bla bla
This is working fine where i am getting the department names as it is.
Now i have got a value "IT Overall" under field departmentnames which is actually "IT Operations" in the lookup file
So while doing a lookup if I pass row.DepartmentName as IT Operations instead of IT Overall it's getting me data.
But as row.DepartmentNames am getting IT Overall.
How to evaluate that particular value before lookup.
try if condition:
| inputlookup file.csv|eval tower=if("$ba$"="IT Overall","IT Operations","$ba$")| search Tower=tower |fields name id ...
here it will check if token is "IT Overall" then make it as "IT Operations" else retain the token and save it in tower field.
try if condition:
| inputlookup file.csv|eval tower=if("$ba$"="IT Overall","IT Operations","$ba$")| search Tower=tower |fields name id ...
here it will check if token is "IT Overall" then make it as "IT Operations" else retain the token and save it in tower field.
I tried this approach but somehow its not getting the value in tower .
$ba$ is getting the correct value but tower is not holding right value.
So Tower=tower (value is tower and not the exact value "IT Operations"
try where
clause instead of search
| inputlookup file.csv|eval tower=if("$ba$"="IT Overall","IT Operations","$ba$")| where Tower=tower |fields name id ...
No luck. same issue even with where
can you provide what exact query you are trying?
as I have tested below run anywhere search and it's working as expected
index=_internal |eval Sourcetype=if("splunkd"="splunkd","splunkd","splunkd_access")|where sourcetype=Sourcetype
| inputlookup file.csv |eval tower=if("$ba$"="IT Operations Overall","IT Operations","$ba$")| where "CTO Tower"=tower |search "Sourcing Status"="PENDING HR INVOLVEMENT" |fields Requester "Delivery Area" "CRF Role Type"
and when i click on the search to see whats happening with tower value i can see
| inputlookup employeesow.csv |eval tower=if("IT Operations Overall"="IT Operations Overall","IT Operations","IT Operations Overall")| where "CTO Tower"=tower |search "Sourcing Status"="PENDING HR INVOLVEMENT" |fields Requester "Delivery Area" "CRF Role Type"
firstly there should not be double quotes around CTO Tower..so try single quotes:
| inputlookup file.csv |eval tower=if("$ba$"="IT Operations Overall","IT Operations","$ba$")| where 'CTO Tower'=tower
Thanks @493669
It worke after changing CTO tower to single quotes. During search i always give double quotes because the field name has space in it.
Thank you so very much it worked now as expected.
yes for search
you can use double quotes but for where
clause with field name having space use single quotes.