I've been able to run a dashboard from the command line by
1. copy and pasting simple xml into a file
2. updating tokens with desired values
3. running the pdf render command from curl, e.g., curl -sku guest:pwd "https://splunkhost:8089/services/pdfgen/render" --data-urlencode "input-dashboard-xml=$(cat sample-dashboard.xml)" -d namespace=search -d paper-size=a4-landscape > mydash.pdf
Is there a way to use python/rest to do the same? I tried some of the endpoints and it creates the dashboard xml with extra scaffolding. Seems to be intended for adding and updating dashboards rather than running the dashboard itself.
I understand your point. However, the curl command with the edited dashboard XML allows some automation. Since I can download the XML using scp from the dashboard directory, edit the dashboard's XML, and run the .../pdfgen/render, I suppose I have a hack work around.
Dashboards come with JavaScript and other bits used by a web browser to render the dashboard for users to view. They're not intended for consumption by automation.