I have a dashboard with 2 panels. The first panel uses a simple input for userid to fuel the search.
index=foo sourcetype=bar $userid$
| table session
This will return a varying number of session results depending on the time period specified. I want to take all the returned values and feed into a second panel search to show how many time a specific event occur for each session.
index=foo sourcetype=bar eventtype=specific $sessionid$
| stats count AS Total by session
I populate the token $sessionid$ with the following xml at the end of the first panel:
<condition match=" 'job.resultCount' != 0">
<set token="sessionid">$result.session$</set>
My problem is, this will only return the first value from the first search. I need it to send all values of session to search by.
For example if the first search return multiple lines with session values A1, B2, C3; I would like to format the token to produce this search:
index=foo sourcetype=bar eventtype=specific session IN (A1,B2,C3)
| stats count AS Total by session
Hopefully this is clear, let me know if it is not. Thanks!
@cdusseau - You need a middle search to make all sessions in a single value as you cannot pass multiple values with $result.<field>$ token.
index=foo sourcetype=bar $userid$ | table session
| stats values(session) as sessions
| eval sessions=mvjoin(sessions, "\", \"")
| eval sessions="(\"".sessions."\")"
Then you can use the job.result in the same way
<condition match=" 'job.resultCount' != 0">
<set token="sessionids">$result.sessions$</set>
Then you can write the search token like this:
index=foo sourcetype=bar eventtype=specific session IN $sessionIds$ | stats count AS Total by session
I hope this helps!!!
@cdusseau - You need a middle search to make all sessions in a single value as you cannot pass multiple values with $result.<field>$ token.
index=foo sourcetype=bar $userid$ | table session
| stats values(session) as sessions
| eval sessions=mvjoin(sessions, "\", \"")
| eval sessions="(\"".sessions."\")"
Then you can use the job.result in the same way
<condition match=" 'job.resultCount' != 0">
<set token="sessionids">$result.sessions$</set>
Then you can write the search token like this:
index=foo sourcetype=bar eventtype=specific session IN $sessionIds$ | stats count AS Total by session
I hope this helps!!!
Exactly what was needed! Thanks!
I will note that for some reason it had no results until I split the eventtype search into it's own line.
index=foo sourcetype=bar session IN $sessionIds$
| search eventtype=specific
| stats count AS Total by session