I am using splunk cloud 7.2.9. i want to hide a table visualization when it has no results/data from the results.
I was not able to hide a table if it has no results or empty.
Try with <condition match="'job.resultCount' >0">
<row depends="$show_table$">
<query>| makeresults
| eval test=1
| where test=0</query>
<condition match="'job.resultCount' >0">
<set token="show_table">true</set>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
Try with <condition match="'job.resultCount' >0">
<row depends="$show_table$">
<query>| makeresults
| eval test=1
| where test=0</query>
<condition match="'job.resultCount' >0">
<set token="show_table">true</set>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>