Question is _why_ do you want to do so? For "security" reasons? That won't fly. The user can press F12 and check what's being sent to and from the server so regardless of whether the data is sent as URL parameters or additional data in request headers - it's still there and can still be observed.
Question is _why_ do you want to do so? For "security" reasons? That won't fly. The user can press F12 and check what's being sent to and from the server so regardless of whether the data is sent as URL parameters or additional data in request headers - it's still there and can still be observed.
Assuming you are talking about passing tokens to dashboards through the URL, this is the way it is done. Alternatives might include, having a separate dashboard for each possible combination of tokens and calling the relevant dashboard; passing an encoded version of the token which the dashboard then decodes; using a reference to the token which the dashboard then does a lookup to dereference it, etc. All of these options are complex and I have to wonder whether it is worth the effort.