I'm trying to draw a cumulative timechart using a csv file which contains events, each event with its starting date and its ending date (basically three fields : "EventName", "StartingDate" and "EndingDate"). The line in the chart should increase when an event starts and decrease when an event finishes. I attached an example of what I am trying to explain, hope it helps.
I tried to create time ranges with the starting and ending date to draw the chart I want, but I'm not sure it's the correct way to do it...
Thanks in advance
No, I missed the days in the multiplication - having said that, use relative_time() instead as it copes with DST changes better - also set the span for timechart so it doesn't default to something else
| eval days=mvrange(0, floor((EndingDate - StartingDate) / (60*60*24)))
| mvexpand days
| eval StartingDate = relative_time(StartingDate,"+".days."d")
| eval _time = StartingDate
| timechart span=1d count
| eval days=mvrange(0, floor((EndingDate - StartingDate) / (60*60*24)))
| mvexpand days
| eval StartingDate = StartingDate + (60*60*24)
| eval _time = StartingDate
| timechart count
No, I missed the days in the multiplication - having said that, use relative_time() instead as it copes with DST changes better - also set the span for timechart so it doesn't default to something else
| eval days=mvrange(0, floor((EndingDate - StartingDate) / (60*60*24)))
| mvexpand days
| eval StartingDate = relative_time(StartingDate,"+".days."d")
| eval _time = StartingDate
| timechart span=1d count
Thanks a lot, it's exactly what I was looking for!