I am post processing my dashboard.
I have two searches and I wish to club them into one:
1) index=ABC sourcetype=XYZ | timechart count by websphere_clone_id limit=0
2) index=ABC sourcetype=XYZ HTTPstatus=5* | timechart count by websphere_clone_id limit=0
What condition should I put after the timechart to filter out results with HTTPstatus=5*
? Or is there any other way all together?
Try this
index=ABC ... | eval h=if(HTTPstatus=5*, 1, 0) | timechart count as total, count(h) as h5 by websphere_clone_id limit=0
Like this:
index=ABC sourcetype=XYZ | timechart count AS total count(eval(like(HTTPstatus, "5%"))) AS h5 BY websphere_clone_id limit=0
Try this
index=ABC ... | eval h=if(HTTPstatus=5*, 1, 0) | timechart count as total, count(h) as h5 by websphere_clone_id limit=0