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How to create a table row expansion?
I have a table like this :
What I want to do is when I click on the "Test Case" value of a particular row, it should expand that row ( if possible only that particular cell) and display a table like this:
Also I am using token (when clicking on the Test Case) to pass value to the second table. Any help would be appreciated
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Please see my this answer. I hope this will help you.
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I tried using this approach but it's getting a bit complicated for me as I'm new to splunk and it didn't work
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How to handle the tokens in the query?
], function(
) {
var CustomRangeRenderer = TableView.BaseCellRenderer.extend({
canRender: function(cell) {
return cell.field;
render: function($container, rowData) {
if (rowData.field === "Test Case") {
} else {
var EventSearchBasedRowExpansionRenderer = TableView.BaseRowExpansionRenderer.extend({
initialize: function(args) {
// initialize will run once, so we will set up a search and a chart to be reused.
this._searchManager = new SearchManager({
preview: false
}, { tokens: true, tokenNamespace: "submitted" });
//this._chartView = new ChartView({
// managerid: 'details-search-manager',
// 'charting.legend.placement': 'none'
this._TableView = new TableView({
managerid: this._searchManager.name,
drilldown: 'cell'
canRender: function(rowData) {
// Since more than one row expansion renderer can be registered we let each decide if they can handle that
// data
// Here we will always handle it.
return true;
render: function($container, rowData) {
// rowData contains information about the row that is expanded. We can see the cells, fields, and values
// We will find the sourcetype cell to use its value
var processCell = _(rowData.cells).find(function(cell) {
return cell.field === 'Test Case';
//update the search with the sourcetype that we are interested in
// this._searchManager.set({ search: 'index= "' + processCell.value + '" ' });
value = processCell.value.split("@@")
value = value[value.length - 1];
this._searchManager.set({ search: 'index="fakt-remote" splunk_id=$splunk_id$ | spath output=meta_data path=campaign_test_case_meta_data{} | mvexpand meta_data | eval _raw=meta_data| kv | rename testcases{}.codec_type as "Codec Type" testcases{}.bit_rate as Bitrate testcases{}.mode as Mode testcases{}.level as Level testcases{}.pl_rate as "PL Rate" testcases{}.jitter as Jitter testcases{}.call_type as "Call Type" testcases{}.test_mode as "Test Mode" | search testcases{}.test_case_name = $name$ | table "Codec Type" Bitrate Mode Level "PL Rate" Jitter "Call Type" "Test Mode"'});
// $container is the jquery object where we can put out content.
// In this case we will render our chart and add it to the $container
var tableElement = mvc.Components.getInstance("expand_with_events");
tableElement.getVisualization(function(tableView) {
// Add custom cell renderer, the table will re-render automatically.
tableView.table.addCellRenderer(new CustomRangeRenderer());
tableView.addRowExpansionRenderer(new EventSearchBasedRowExpansionRenderer());
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Your code looks good to me. Maybe you need to do some changes in the table search. Can you please share your sample dashboard XML?
Sharing my Samlpe XML.
<dashboard script="expand_with_events.js">
<table id="expand_with_events">
<query>index="_internal" | stats count by source | eval "Test Case" = source. "@@". count</query>
<option name="drilldown">row</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
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<form version="1.1" script="a13.js">
<label>Detailed Campaign Classic</label>
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<input type="dropdown" token="campaign">
<label>Campaign Selected</label>
<choice value="*">All</choice>
| search splunk_id=$splunk_id$
| spath output=testcase path=campaign_kpi_metrics{}
| mvexpand testcase | eval _raw=testcase | kv
| stats count by campaign_name</query>
<input type="dropdown" token="verdict" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="*">All</choice>
<choice value="Passed">Passed</choice>
<choice value="Failed">Failed</choice>
<row depends="$hidden$">
td {
line-height: 50px !important;
<table id="expand_with_events">
<query>index="fakt-remote" splunk_id=$splunk_id$
| spath output=testcase path=campaign_kpi_metrics{}
| mvexpand testcase | eval _raw=testcase | kv
| rename testcases{}.verdict as Verdict, testcases{}.name as "Test Case" testcases{}.min_polqa as min_polqa testcases{}.min_polqa_thres as min_polqa_thres testcases{}.avg_polqa as avg_polqa testcases{}.avg_polqa_thres as avg_polqa_thres testcases{}.max_polqa as max_polqa testcases{}.max_polqa_thres as max_polqa_thres
| eval "Minimum / Threshold" = min_polqa." / ".min_polqa_thres, "Average / Threshold" = avg_polqa." / ".avg_polqa_thres, "Maximum / Threshold" = max_polqa." / ".max_polqa_thres
| search Verdict=$verdict$ campaign_name=$campaign$
| table "Test Case" "Minimum / Threshold" "Average / Threshold" "Maximum / Threshold" Verdict</query>
<option name="count">100</option>
<option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
<option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
<option name="totalsRow">false</option>
<option name="wrap">true</option>
<format type="color" field="Verdict">
<colorPalette type="map">{"Passed":#118832,"Failed":#D41F1F}</colorPalette>
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Here is my js file
], function(
) {
var CustomRangeRenderer = TableView.BaseCellRenderer.extend({
canRender: function(cell) {
return cell.field;
render: function($container, rowData) {
var EventSearchBasedRowExpansionRenderer = TableView.BaseRowExpansionRenderer.extend({
initialize: function(args) {
// initialize will run once, so we will set up a search and a chart to be reused.
this._searchManager = new SearchManager({
preview: false
}, { tokens: true, tokenNamespace: "submitted" });
//this._chartView = new ChartView({
// managerid: 'details-search-manager',
// 'charting.legend.placement': 'none'
this._TableView = new TableView({
managerid: this._searchManager.name,
drilldown: 'cell'
canRender: function(rowData) {
// Since more than one row expansion renderer can be registered we let each decide if they can handle that
// data
// Here we will always handle it.
return true;
render: function($container, rowData) {
// rowData contains information about the row that is expanded. We can see the cells, fields, and values
// We will find the sourcetype cell to use its value
var processCell = _(rowData.cells).find(function(cell) {
return cell.field === 'Test Case';
//update the search with the sourcetype that we are interested in
// this._searchManager.set({ search: 'index= "' + processCell.value + '" ' });
value = processCell.value
// value = value[value.length - 1];
var tokens = mvc.Components.get("default")
var id = tokens.get("splunk_id")
this._searchManager.set({ search: 'index="fakt-remote" splunk_id="' + id + '" | spath output=meta_data path=campaign_test_case_meta_data{}.testcases{} | mvexpand meta_data | eval _raw=meta_data| kv | search test_case_name="' + value + '" | rename bit_rate as Bitrate call_type as "Call Type" codec_type as "Codec Type" delay as Delay disabled as Disabled dtx as DTX inp_file as "Input File" jitter as Jitter level as Level mode as Mode pl_rate as "PL Rate" polqa_iteration as "POLQA Iteration" ref_file as "Reference File" test_mode as "Test Mode" video as Video | table Bitrate "Call Type" "Codec Type" Delay Disabled DTX "Input File" Jitter Level Mode "PL Rate" "POLQA Iteration" "Reference File" "Test Mode" Video | eval name="Values" | transpose 0 header_field=name | rename column as Parameter'});
// $container is the jquery object where we can put out content.
// In this case we will render our chart and add it to the $container
var tableElement = mvc.Components.getInstance("expand_with_events");
tableElement.getVisualization(function(tableView) {
// Add custom cell renderer, the table will re-render automatically.
tableView.table.addCellRenderer(new CustomRangeRenderer());
tableView.addRowExpansionRenderer(new EventSearchBasedRowExpansionRenderer());
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Im not able to click on the page 2 or Next in the expanded row
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Your JS looks good and working fine.
I'm sharing js and XML both. Can you please create a new dashboard with it and trace back your code?
], function(
) {
var CustomRangeRenderer = TableView.BaseCellRenderer.extend({
canRender: function(cell) {
return cell.field;
render: function($container, rowData) {
var EventSearchBasedRowExpansionRenderer = TableView.BaseRowExpansionRenderer.extend({
initialize: function(args) {
// initialize will run once, so we will set up a search and a chart to be reused.
this._searchManager = new SearchManager({
preview: false
}, { tokens: true, tokenNamespace: "submitted" });
//this._chartView = new ChartView({
// managerid: 'details-search-manager',
// 'charting.legend.placement': 'none'
this._TableView = new TableView({
managerid: this._searchManager.name,
drilldown: 'cell'
canRender: function(rowData) {
// Since more than one row expansion renderer can be registered we let each decide if they can handle that
// data
// Here we will always handle it.
return true;
render: function($container, rowData) {
// rowData contains information about the row that is expanded. We can see the cells, fields, and values
// We will find the sourcetype cell to use its value
var processCell = _(rowData.cells).find(function(cell) {
return cell.field === 'Test Case';
//update the search with the sourcetype that we are interested in
// this._searchManager.set({ search: 'index= "' + processCell.value + '" ' });
value = processCell.value
// value = value[value.length - 1];
var tokens = mvc.Components.get("default")
var id = tokens.get("splunk_id")
this._searchManager.set({ search: '|makeresults count=100 | eval a="A", value="'+value+'",c=1 | accum c '});
// $container is the jquery object where we can put out content.
// In this case we will render our chart and add it to the $container
var tableElement = mvc.Components.getInstance("expand_with_events");
tableElement.getVisualization(function(tableView) {
// Add custom cell renderer, the table will re-render automatically.
tableView.table.addCellRenderer(new CustomRangeRenderer());
tableView.addRowExpansionRenderer(new EventSearchBasedRowExpansionRenderer());
<dashboard script="expand_with_events.js">
<table id="expand_with_events">
<query>index="_internal" | stats count by source | eval "Test Case" = source. "@@". count</query>
<option name="drilldown">row</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
If any of my replies help you to solve the problem Or gain knowledge, an upvote would be appreciated.