Dashboards & Visualizations

How to Pass multiple values with each choice using a dropdown?


I am trying to pass multiple values using a dropdown input. How can I add multiple values with each choice in a dropdown input? As the user clicks any choice, all the values associated with the choice should be passed and populate a panel based on the values.



  <fieldset submitButton="false">
    <input type="dropdown" token="Variety_token" searchWhenChanged="true">
      <label>Fruit List</label>
      <choice value="111,222,333,444">Mango</choice>
      <choice value="123,456,112">Apple</choice>
      <choice value="555,666,777,888,999">Banana</choice>
      <choice value="753,482">Grapes</choice>
        <title>Fruit List/title>
          <query>index=* sourcetype=source Fruitid=$Variety_token$ 
| stats count by Fruitname, Fruitvariety, Fruitid......</query>
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>




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Can you please try Variety_token IN ($Variety_token$) in your panel search. I think it should work.

Example XML:


<dashboard version="1.1">

  <fieldset submitButton="false">
    <input type="dropdown" token="Variety_token" searchWhenChanged="true">
      <label>Fruit List</label>
      <choice value="111,222,333,444">Mango</choice>
      <choice value="123,456,112">Apple</choice>
      <choice value="555,666,777,888,999">Banana</choice>
      <choice value="753,482">Grapes</choice>
        <title>Fruit List</title>
          <query>| makeresults 
| eval Variety_token=split("111,222,333,444,123,456,112,555,666,777,888,999,753,482",",") 
| rename comment as "Up to now is for sample data only" 
| stats c by Variety_token | search Variety_token IN ($Variety_token$) </query>
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>


If any of my replies help you to solve the problem Or gain knowledge, an upvote would be appreciated.

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