I'm struggling with sorting bar chart columns based on a time value.
I have the following in my search:
| chart last(duration) as duration over run_id by task_id
and I get the following table:
run_id task_1 task_2 task_3 task_4
1 14.55000000 1.60000000 11.55000000 1.78333333
2 13.93333333 2.73333333 13.55000000 1.91666667
in the stacked chart visualization the tasks are showing from top to bottom in the order of the tasks column (first task_1 then task_2, etc).
current bar char stacked:
| | <- task_1
| | <- task_2
| | <- task_3
| | <- task_4
i want to sort the task_id colums based on a value (start time) which i have on the initial search (pre charting) for each of the tasks.
bar char stacked i want to have:
| | <- task with highest start time
| | <- task_2
| | <- task_3
| | <- task with lowest start time
is it possible to do that?
Thank you!
Hi @D_D ,
The chart command while creating the columns would by default sort the field task_id as it has been mentioned in the by clause.
I think you can create a dummy field which is a string joining the start time and task_id and use that field in the by clause of the chart command. The column names can be renamed using foreach.
| eval dummy_sort = start_time."_".task_id
| chart last(duration) as duration over run_id by dummy_sort
| foreach *task_* [rename <<FIELD>> to task_<<MATCHSEG2>>]
There may be a simpler way to do this.
Thank you, aprrcaite you reply.
i think it might work the issue is the column names aren't task_1, task_2, etc... it was an example to simplify thinks, they have different name for each column, can i run over them with foreach loop and regex like (*_*) where first asterisk is the "starttime" and the second is the "task name"?
Yes, you can use that. The foreach would look something like this then:
| foreach *_* [rename <<FIELD>> to <<MATCHSEG2>>]
Yes, it works.
When i put it in the XML i get "Uencoded <" error.
how can i escape it?
< would be <
> would be >
Found a corner case where it doesn't work.
when i use "dummy sort" i get alot of values with 0, then the foreach loops get them instead the actual values.
it happens when there is more then one value of "run_id"
You are getting 0 in the column names or the field values?
In the fields values,
for each run_id i get:
(num of tasks) * (num of run id).
table size is:
run_id rows and (num of tasks) * (num of run id) columns
for each run_id row there is (num of tasks) fields with value, the rest are 0.
Can you please share screenshots of the result obtained in table as well as the chart?
before foreach operation:
table (this has more columns on the right side)
after foreach operation (table + chart):
this is all the columns in the tables.
the deleted part in the pictures is the task name.
In the data, is it expected that same task_id can have different start time depending for the same run_id?
So for eg, task_id "task_1" has maybe started twice for run_id "run_1". This will create two different field values like time1_task_1 and time2_task_2 in the dummy_sort field. However, on column rename both would have name
If so, then the solution may be creating the problem.
To your question "In the data, is it expected that same task_id can have different start time depending for the same run_id?"
The answer is yes.
Is there a way to overcome this issue?
In the original query that you posted in the question, you have been taking the latest duration for every task_id and run_id in the chart.
If we go according to that, then, it seems we need to take into account the starttime of the task_id for the latest duration obtained.
I think that would also solve our problem of having duplicate task_ids.
For that the dummy_sort can be calculated after we have got the events having last duration for the task_id and run_id:
| eventstats last(duration) as last_duration by run_id, task_id
| where duration = last_duration
| eval dummy_sort = starttime."_".task_id
| chart last(last_duration) as duration over run_id by dummy_sort
| foreach *_*
[ rename <<FIELD>> to <<MATCHSEG2>>
i added "limit=0" to the chart command to avoid "OTHER", but i get the same results as before.
Thank you,
This is also works.
It still takes the columns from left to right,
right now:
bar char stacked i have:
| | <- task with lowest start time
| | <- task_2
| | <- task_3
| | <- task with highest start time
can i reverse it somehow?
bar char stacked i want to have:
| | <- task with highest start time
| | <- task_2
| | <- task_3
| | <- task with lowest start time