I have a simple dashboard with two panels. In panel one, I have a search like:
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access | chart sparkline count by status
and in another panel i have like:
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access | chart sparkline count by bytes
Now, the problem is:
The values for "count", "bytes", and "status" fields are coming at the extreme right, but I want the value to be on left side
In the "sparkline" column, I am getting unwanted spaces that I want to remove and also remove the extra space from the "count", "bytes", and "status" field.
Both the panels are not the same size. The first panel has 3 rows as an output, and the second panel has 8 rows as an output, so both look weird to see. I want the extra spaces from the first panel to be removed so that both will have same size and it looks good!
Kindly help me with this on urgent basis.
Your help would be very much appreciated! I am poor in CSS and JS
I am not sure I understand your issue. So I will attempt to respond to each question..
1) Left align count, bytes and status fields. You can do this changing the datatype to string...like this .. | eval status=" ".status
2) Unwanted space in sparkline and other fields.. This caused by "auto" sizing of columns. The amount of unwanted space will depend on your screen size. Larger the screen, more unwanted space. To fix this you will have to convert to fixed column width. You can achieve this by customizing the dashboard. Here is one way of achieving this
3) Both panels are not same size. I assume you have the panels side-by-side. You can adjust the height by limiting the number of rows displayed to the least common denominator. In your example, you could keep the number of rows to 3 for both panel, that will give you same height for both panels.