Dashboards & Visualizations

Hide data in frontend and remain set filters after reopening Splunk


Dear Splunk Community,

I am currently creating a Splunk dashboard and would like to save user-defined filters in the dashboard, even after Splunk has been reopened. 

Background: I have a table on a layer which data comes from SAP to Splunk via Push Extractor. Not all of the data displayed in the table is relevant, so I want to hide certain rows using a dropdown field/checkbox, which are then no longer included in the visualizations on the other layers.

  1. how can I ensure that these hidden rows are no longer included in the visualizations for all users of the dashboard?
  2. how can I ensure that the filter settings remain visible even after the dashboard has been closed for >24 hours?

I really hope that someone can help me with this.

Kind regards


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You could output their choices to a csv store - these can be made user specific with the create_context argument

outputlookup - Splunk Documentation

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