I want to be able to drilldown on a field if the value is an IP address. If it is not an IP address it will be some string value of "N/A" or something similar and the field will not clickable some other way to handle the drilldown function for fields with that value.
For anyone that might be interested this is the solution I am using so far.
<condition match="$row.ip$ != "N/A"">
<link target="_blank">/app/appname/dashboard_name?form.search_token=$click.value2$</link>
<condition field="Tasked"></condition>
For anyone that might be interested this is the solution I am using so far.
<condition match="$row.ip$ != "N/A"">
<link target="_blank">/app/appname/dashboard_name?form.search_token=$click.value2$</link>
<condition field="Tasked"></condition>