When I use my code, I can see this error.
" Error in 'where' command : The operator at ',127.542 - 0.001' is invalid.
The problem code is this.
| where time >= $max_value$ - 0.001
When I print "max_value" at title, I can see that value is "315,127.542"
I think the reason this problem occurred is ',' at the max_value.
How could I remove ',' at the max_value?
And If it was not the problem, How could I solve this?
You can use an <eval> statement for your drilldown instead of <set>
<eval token="max_value">replace($click.value$, ",", "")</eval>
Technically you could do the following to fix the symptoms
| where time >= tonmumber(replace($max_value$, ",", "")) - 0.001
but you are better off finding the source of the token, as @PickleRick says, and make sure it contains something suitable to perform calculations with if that's how you intend to use it.
OK. The question is where are you getting this token from. Because apparently it's a formatted number which indeed might cause the error.
OH..! I get this token at <single> block.
The code for this <signle> block looks like this.
<title>Max time</title>
<query>index=idx_prd_analysis sourcetype="type:prd_analysis:delay_time" corp="delay"
| where (plane_type==1) OR (plane_type==2)
| eval total_time = round(takeOff_time - boarding_time, 3)
| stats MAX(total_time)</query>
<option name="colorMode">block</option>
<option name="drilldown">all</option>
<option name="height">154</option>
<option name="numberPrecision">0.000</option>
<option name="rangeValues">[500]</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
<option name="unitPosition">before</option>
<set token="max_value">$click.value$</set>
Are there any solution to send max_value as normal format not origin? (Not 123,456 -> Wnat 123456)
You can use an <eval> statement for your drilldown instead of <set>
<eval token="max_value">replace($click.value$, ",", "")</eval>
It work!!!
Thank you for your help