Dashboards & Visualizations

Equivalent of $click.name2$ in Splunk Dashboard Studio


I am trying to convert a dashboard from Simple XML to Dashboard Studio. In the original dashboard there is a token that uses "$click.name2$ that links to the corresponding name of the field in another dashboard. To my understanding, the equivalent of $click.name2$ in XML should be "$name" in Dashboard Studio; however, when I use "$name" the correct value is not returning. What would be the equivalent of "$click.name2" in Dashboard Studio? This is for a single value.

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1 Solution

Path Finder

Hi there,

While "click.name2" doesn't have a direct equivalent, here are effective approaches:

1. Use "row.name2" for Single Values:

  • If you're accessing a single value from a clicked row in a table, use "row.name2" instead of "click.name2".
  • Ensure the field name matches exactly (case-sensitive).

2. Employ Context Variables for Complex Data:

  • For more complex data passing, leverage context variables:
    1. In the source dashboard's search, set a context variable: set context=name2="value"
    2. In the target dashboard, access the value using <span class="math-inline">context\.name2</span>.

3. Consider URL Tokens for Cross-Dashboard Linking:

  • If you're linking to a different dashboard, use URL tokens like ?form.field1=<span class="math-inline">name2</span> in the link's URL.

Additional Tips:

  • Double-check field names for accuracy and capitalization.
  • Ensure both dashboards share the same search context if using context variables.
  • Consult Splunk documentation for more details on token usage and context variables: <invalid url documentation splunk ON docs.splunk.com>
  • If you're still facing issues, provide more information about your dashboard structure and specific use case for tailored guidance.


  • Token syntax differs between Simple XML and Dashboard Studio, so understanding these differences is crucial.
  • Experiment with different approaches to find the best fit for your specific needs.

    ~ If the reply helps, a Karma upvote would be appreciated

View solution in original post


This was very helpful. Thank you so much!

0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi there,

While "click.name2" doesn't have a direct equivalent, here are effective approaches:

1. Use "row.name2" for Single Values:

  • If you're accessing a single value from a clicked row in a table, use "row.name2" instead of "click.name2".
  • Ensure the field name matches exactly (case-sensitive).

2. Employ Context Variables for Complex Data:

  • For more complex data passing, leverage context variables:
    1. In the source dashboard's search, set a context variable: set context=name2="value"
    2. In the target dashboard, access the value using <span class="math-inline">context\.name2</span>.

3. Consider URL Tokens for Cross-Dashboard Linking:

  • If you're linking to a different dashboard, use URL tokens like ?form.field1=<span class="math-inline">name2</span> in the link's URL.

Additional Tips:

  • Double-check field names for accuracy and capitalization.
  • Ensure both dashboards share the same search context if using context variables.
  • Consult Splunk documentation for more details on token usage and context variables: <invalid url documentation splunk ON docs.splunk.com>
  • If you're still facing issues, provide more information about your dashboard structure and specific use case for tailored guidance.


  • Token syntax differs between Simple XML and Dashboard Studio, so understanding these differences is crucial.
  • Experiment with different approaches to find the best fit for your specific needs.

    ~ If the reply helps, a Karma upvote would be appreciated

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