Dashboards & Visualizations

Dropdown not populating

New Member

| djquery -database ad -query "select short_description from bu_projectdetails order by [order]"

this is the given query........when I am replacing this with lookup files, although result is coming in the search but not in the dropdown.

| inputlookup bu_projectdetails_lookup.csv |table short_description|sort by [order]

alt text

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0 Karma

Revered Legend

Try this for you search.

| inputlookup bu_projectdetails_lookup.csv |table short_description|sort short_description
0 Karma

New Member

its showing the same thing, "could not create search"

0 Karma


if possible can you post your xml?

0 Karma

New Member
    <choice value="*">All</choice>
      <query>| djquery -database ad -query "select short_description from bu_projectdetails order by [order]"</query>
    <delimiter> OR </delimiter>
0 Karma

Super Champion

@shaoli21, did you tried below-

     <choice value="*">All</choice>
       <query>| inputlookup bu_projectdetails_lookup.csv |table short_description|sort short_description</query>
     <delimiter> OR </delimiter>
0 Karma

Ultra Champion

oh yeah, missed that 🙂

If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!
0 Karma

Ultra Champion

Have you set


In the dropdown settings?

If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!
0 Karma

New Member

yes I had set them but still no output

0 Karma
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