Dashboards & Visualizations

Drilldown Editor



In my dashboard, for table type I have added drilldown option(On click - link to search) with "Auto" type. 

If I am clicking any row means it is navigating to the search page in same tab itself.

But in custom type,I can able to see the option as "Open in new tab" but in this case when I am selecting any row means it is opening in new tab with "No page found" error.

How to open in new tab window?

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Path Finder

Hi @Als123 ,

Is it still giving issue when you save the dashboard and reload it?
Usually, this error is thrown when we try to drilldown from the dashboard in the Edit Mode.

If this a persistent issue, there may be an issue in the URL that is created from the search query, does the query contain any special characters such as +, &,< etc.? These characters need to be encoded. 
If possible, can you send the query that you want to show in the new tab to debug further?

0 Karma


Hi @t_shreya ,

Now I can able to open in new window.But in this case I am facing another one issue.

My panel will contains the count details of different type of http status code in table format.For example like below.

200  400   500

3        5         20

In this case, If I am using Auto type option for drilldown it is navigating to particular log message details on clicking the cell.

But If I am using custom search then it is navigating to splunk search page with table format. Because my search string is like that only.

Index = main | search query | timechart span=5m count bt httpstatus

But I need the same functionality of Auto type like on click need to get corresponding log message details.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi @Als123 ,

In this case you will have to modify the search string used in drilldown. The following query will work in case you want to see raw events for the particular HTTP status code clicked on. 

index="main" httpstatus="$row.httpstatus$"

Here, I have assumed that httpstatus is the field name for HTTP status code.

Ref - https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/SplunkCloud/8.2.2105/Viz/DrilldownLinkToSearch

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