Dashboards & Visualizations

Dashboard to save spl queries



I have created a dashboard where I can save queries by entering it in the input field. It works fine when I enter a simple query: 



sourcetype = WinEventLog EventCode = 4624 | stats count (EventCode) by host



When I run the following query I get the error below: 



sourcetype="pan:traffic" user!="xxxx" earliest=-14d
| bucket _time span=5m
| stats sum(bytes_out) by user, _time
| anomalydetection "sum(bytes_out)" "user" action=annotate
| eval isOutlier = if(probable_cause != "", "1", "0")
| where isOutlier=1
| table "sum(bytes_out)" "user", "_time", probable_cause, isOutlier
| stats count by user
| sort -count
| head 20





How can I escape the query in way that I can save it in the lookup file. Or are there better ways to save a query in a dashboard?


  <label>Threat Hunting Query</label>
    <query>| makeresults
| eval Panel=$tokPanel|s$
      <condition match="$result.Panel$==&quot;1&quot;">
        <set token="tokPanelSelected">1</set>
        <set token="pan1"></set>
        <unset token="pan2"></unset>
      <condition match="$result.Panel$==&quot;2&quot;">
        <set token="pan2"></set>
        <unset token="pan1"></unset>
        <set token="tokPanelSelected">2</set>
        <unset token="tokPanelSelected"></unset>
  <fieldset submitButton="true">
    <input type="text" searchWhenChanged="false" token="discription_query">
      <label>Omschrijving query:</label>
    <input type="text" token="query"> 
    <input type="text" token="user">
    <input type="dropdown" token="tokPanel" searchWhenChanged="false">
      <choice value="1">Toevoegen</choice>
      <choice value="2">Verwijderen</choice>
      <default>Kies toevoegen of verwijderen</default>
    <panel depends="$pan1$">
      <title>Query is toegevoegd/add query</title>
            <![CDATA[ | inputlookup threat_hunting.csv | append [ | stats count | eval query_discription="$discription_query$" | eval query_q="$query$" | lookup dnslookup clientip As src OUTPUT clienthost AS src_host  |  lookup dnslookup clientip As dest OUTPUT clienthost AS dest_host  | stats count(src) by src src_host | eval tnow=strftime(now(), "%a %m/%d/%Y %H:%M") | eval user="$user$" | eval id=100 ] | stats count by query_discription query_q id tnow user| fields query_discription query_q id tnow user | outputlookup threat_hunting.csv ]]>
    <panel depends="$pan2$">
      <title>Query is verwijderd/delete query</title>
            | inputlookup threat_hunting.csv | stats count by query_discription query_q id tnow user | fields - count | where query_discription !="$discription_query$" | outputlookup threat_hunting.csv


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0 Karma
1 Solution


I do not know why, probably a refresh of the page but it works now!! Thanks 🙂

View solution in original post

0 Karma


I tried that and I still get the same error. I have also tried the other way (see https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Viz/tokens#Token_filters) but no luck there either.

0 Karma


Have you tried 

eval query_q="$query|s$"

to escape the quotes in the token? 

0 Karma


I have also tried the other way (see https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Viz/tokens#Token_filters) but no luck there either.

0 Karma


What does your xml look like now?

What does the CDATA do for you?

0 Karma


I do not know why, probably a refresh of the page but it works now!! Thanks 🙂

0 Karma

Ultra Champion
    <query>| makeresults
| eval Panel="$tokPanel|s$"

$tokPanel$ 's token has space on default value.

0 Karma
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