Has anyone built a custom collapsible TreeView or TreeList(Not Dendrogram) using D3 libraries? if so please provide some input on how to implement it. I found some jqTree libraries in /opt/splunk/share/splunk/search_mrsparkle but I am not sure how to use those libraries to create custom treeview.
I am looking for something like this: http://bl.ocks.org/thehogfather/0e48ec486abbd5be17d7
Thanks in advance!!
I developed a custom-visualisation for a customer using JSTree
The library was pretty easy to import into the custom viz, just npm jstree
and then a little bit of glue to render it.
Unfortunately, as I developed it for them, I don't have a copy I can share.
Roughly, I added the jstree npm package to a new Splunk custom vizualisation.
In the initialize function, I created a div for the jstree to be rendered to (< div id="jstree" >< /div>).
In the updateView function, I just called the JSTree function, $('#jstree').jstree({'core': 'data': YOUR DATA });
That was roughly how it worked. Sorry I can't post the actual source code, hope this helps someone.
Thank you. I'll try your suggestion.