Hi I want to create a table for the below log entry
Feb 16 15:42:10 Feb 16 2014 14:42:10: %ASA-4-722051: Group
Fields :
Group = Group
User = User
PIP = <36.XX.XX.116>
LIP= <10.XX.xx.168>
Date,Time || Group || User || PIP || LIP
Try this:
your base search | rex "Group\s\<(?<Group>[^\>]+)\>\sUser\s\<(?<User>[^\>]+)\>\sIP\s\<(?<PIP>[^\>]+)\>\sAddress\s\<(?<LIP>[^\>]+)\>" | rename _time as Date | table Date,Group,User,PIP,LIP
Try this:
your base search | rex "Group\s\<(?<Group>[^\>]+)\>\sUser\s\<(?<User>[^\>]+)\>\sIP\s\<(?<PIP>[^\>]+)\>\sAddress\s\<(?<LIP>[^\>]+)\>" | rename _time as Date | table Date,Group,User,PIP,LIP
Great... Please accept the answer if there are no followup questions.
awesome thanks this is working like charm