<label>HELLO WORLD</label>
<description>HELLO WORLD is a Dashboard ~~~ </description>
For ordinary panels, I managing with CSS in <html> </html> brackets works fine.
However, I just cannot seem to find out how to change Dashboard Title and Description Configuration. Can anyone help out?
I have no clue
Put this as your first row after the inputs.
<row depends="$alwaysHide$">
h1.dashboard-header-title {
color: red !important;
div.input-dropdown label {
color: blue !important;
font-family: Comic Sans MS,sans-serif !important;
Worked well!! Thank you 🙂
I still haven't figured out in which part of the code I should insert that lines of code-snippet. My current XML code starts as follows:
<form hideSplunkBar="true">
<label>HELLO WORLD</label>
<description> THELLO WORLD is a Dashboard used to display sales data. </description>
<search id="set_defaults">
| makeresults
| eval init_to_month = strftime(relative_time(now(), "-1mon@"),"%Y%m")
| eval curr_yr = strftime(now(),"%Y")
| eval init_from_month = strftime(strptime(curr_yr."0101", "%Y%m%d"), "%Y%m")
| eval yester_day = strftime(relative_time(now(), "-1d@"), "%Y%m%d")
<set token="tk_init_from_month">$result.init_from_month$</set>
<set token="tk_init_to_month">$result.init_to_month$</set>
<set token="tk_yesterday">$result.yester_day$</set>
<fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true">
<input type="dropdown" token="tk_curr_start_month" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>From Month</label>
index = "indexed_data"
| sort 0 YYYYMM
| table YYYYMM
<input type="dropdown" token="tk_curr_end_month" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>To Month</label>
index = "indexed_data"
| sort 0 -YYYYMM
| table YYYYMM
Could you provide me with more details on how I should define those configurations that you've replied?
Also would it be possible to configure the labels for the filter dropdowns?
Put this as your first row after the inputs.
<row depends="$alwaysHide$">
h1.dashboard-header-title {
color: red !important;
div.input-dropdown label {
color: blue !important;
font-family: Comic Sans MS,sans-serif !important;
h1.dashboard-header-title {
color: red !important;
p.dashboard-header-description {
color: blue !important;
font-family: Comic Sans MS,sans-serif !important;