I am creating a chart based on a log message value which can have say around 4 value. below is a sample search query
"INFO Metrics - group=search_health_metrics"
| rex field=_raw "name=(?<metric_name>(\S+)),"
| where isnotnull(metric_name)
| eval token_type=case(metric_name="compute_search_quota", "value1", metric_name="bundle_directory_reaper", "value2", metric_name="dispatch_directory_reaper", "value3", metric_name="distributed_peer_heartbeat", "value4")
| eval _stat1=if(token_type="value1", 1, 0)
| eval _stat2=if(token_type="value2", 1, 0)
| eval _stat3=if(token_type="value3", 1, 0)
| eval _stat4=if(token_type="value4", 1, 0)
| stats sum(_stat1) as Stat1, sum(_stat2) as Stat2, sum(_stat3) as Stat3, sum(_stat4) as Stat4
The charts are showing up overlapped for ex, stat1 is getting displayed on top of stat2. but if I show as table the stats shows correctly.
Easy way:
index=_internal "INFO Metrics - group=search_health_metrics"
| rex field=_raw "name=(?<metric_name>(\S+)),"
| eval Stats=case(metric_name="compute_search_quota", "Stat1", metric_name="bundle_directory_reaper", "Stat2", metric_name="dispatch_directory_reaper", "Stat3", metric_name="distributed_peer_heartbeat", "Stat4",true(),NULL)
| stats count by Stats
| makeresults
| eval _raw="Stat1,Stat2,Stat3,Stat4
| multikv forceheader=1
| fields - _*, linecount
`comment("the logic is blow")`
| transpose 0
| rename "row 1" as count, column as stats
Easy way:
index=_internal "INFO Metrics - group=search_health_metrics"
| rex field=_raw "name=(?<metric_name>(\S+)),"
| eval Stats=case(metric_name="compute_search_quota", "Stat1", metric_name="bundle_directory_reaper", "Stat2", metric_name="dispatch_directory_reaper", "Stat3", metric_name="distributed_peer_heartbeat", "Stat4",true(),NULL)
| stats count by Stats
| makeresults
| eval _raw="Stat1,Stat2,Stat3,Stat4
| multikv forceheader=1
| fields - _*, linecount
`comment("the logic is blow")`
| transpose 0
| rename "row 1" as count, column as stats
What do you want to show in x-axis and y-axis?
Can you upload a screenshot of this?
@rich7177 Updated the query to use the internal logs and attached the chart I am seeing. In the image you can see stat1 & stat3 are overlapped, below table shows some data