I am trying to create a fairly static dashboard that shows a license day count down timer. I have the following CSV file with the following fields
Application Service, License Expiry Date
For example, the data looks like this (date,month, year)
ApplicationX, 31/12/2018
ApplicationY, 01/01/2019
What I am trying to do in SPLUNK is show a dashboard that looks like this:
ApplicationX | Number of Days to Expiry
The file is monitored for any changes.
This is the code I have written:
| eval timenow=now()
| eval CurrentDate=strftime(now(),"%d-%m-%Y")
| eval Expiry=strptime("License Expiration Date", "%d-%m-%Y")
| eval "Expiry Time Left"=CurrentDate-Expiry
| table "Application Service", "Expiry Time Left"
| eval timenow=now()
| eval CurrentDate=strftime(now(),"%d-%m-%Y")
| eval Expiry=strptime("License Expiration Date", "%d-%m-%Y")
| eval "Expiry Time Left"=CurrentDate-Expiry
| stats count by "Application Service", "Expiry Time Left"
However, when this gets displayed, I do not see anything in the "Expiry Time Left" column or any data in the second stanza. Where have I gone wrong?
Probably few things :
So the difference is given in seconds and then you can convert to format you need (hours/days/months etc)
Please verify the variable name also. In the example it is 'License Expiry Date' and in search it is 'License Expiration Date'
|eval "Expiry Time Left"=round(abs((now()-strptime('License Expiration Date',"%d/%m/%Y")))/86400,0)
Probably few things :
So the difference is given in seconds and then you can convert to format you need (hours/days/months etc)
Please verify the variable name also. In the example it is 'License Expiry Date' and in search it is 'License Expiration Date'
|eval "Expiry Time Left"=round(abs((now()-strptime('License Expiration Date',"%d/%m/%Y")))/86400,0)
Thanks. I am not interested in seconds as this is simply number of days to Expiration. I will work out how to convert the number of seconds to just be days in total. For example the dashboard will simply read
Application X has 63 days left until the license is expired
Application Y has 64 days left until the license is expired
Of course the above will just be numbers and I will use number values depending on the values.
Regarding the variable name it is "License Expiry Date"
@willadams, what I meant is - by default it gives in second but in the above case, I have already converted to days by dividing it by 86400. So output of above search is in days. Let me know if you need any further assistance , otherwise accept it as answer/upvote. thanks