I would like to know whether we can execute dashboards from the command line?
Hi rajgowd1,
Why you would execute a dashboard from CLI? what is your need?
Every way I don't think that it's possible, because a dashboard is an XML file that contains configurations to execute in Splunk environment, if you haven't the Splunk environment, you cannot execute a dashboard.
Can we prepare dashboard with data received from sp execution?
hi, not sure what you mean by "execute". You meant "trigger" open in another computer or you want to see the xml data?
if you want xml data, just open
curl -k -u https://localhost:8000/
Hi rajgowd1,
Why you would execute a dashboard from CLI? what is your need?
Every way I don't think that it's possible, because a dashboard is an XML file that contains configurations to execute in Splunk environment, if you haven't the Splunk environment, you cannot execute a dashboard.
This Question of asked by my senior collegue.
we have some dashboards and they want to execute or run dashboards from CLI.
is it possible to run dashboards from commandline?
Hi rajgowd1,
I don't think so!
because a dashboard is an XML file that contains configurations to execute in Splunk environment, if you haven't the Splunk environment, you cannot execute a dashboard.