Hello everyone,
I have around 3600 events to review but they all are encoded in HEX, I know I can decode them by hand one by one but this will take a lot of time which i do not have, I spent a few hours reading for similar problems here but none helped me, I found an app called decode2 but it was not able to help me either, it wants me to feed it a table to decode and I only have 2 tables, one called time and one called event, nothing else, pointing it to event returns nothing.
bellow I'm posting 2 of the events as sample
You appear to have a hex dump of binary data. Decoding the hex will give you the original binary, but Splunk doesn't support binary data.
I've seen similar-looking input when an encrypted input stream is not decrypted before being indexed. Double-check the TLS/SSL settings.
these are all static, I was given a .pptx file and asked to find certain events, that wouldn't be a problem if the data was in plaintext, the instance is running on my machine so no TSL is involved, correct me if I'm wrong, is there anything I can do to actually use this data? without having to decode to binary and then ascii manually
Splunk is not going to be able to process that binary PowerPoint file without some pre-processing (manual or via a script).