Is it possible to have APM with Splunk like ELK APM?
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) with Elasticsearch | Elastic
Monitoring Services with Elasticsearch APM | by suraj kumar | Medium
At first glance it seems like something that ITSI does. Some subset of this functionality you can probably do on your own with built-in capabilities.
I found this:
but can't find guide and documents that describe how to run it with wildfly app.
did you use this agent?
I'm using enterprise on-permise splunk.
is it possible to have APM in this version or it require other license or product?
Splunk's official APM product is (surprise!) "Splunk APM". It used to be called SignalFX. It's a premium product (extra cost). See https://www.splunk.com/en_us/observability/apm-application-performance-monitoring.html
You may be able to achieve your goals using standard on-prem Splunk Enterprise, however. It depends on what exactly you want to do and what metrics your applications produce. Tell us more and we may be able to help more.
Need to trace and detect java app latency and bugs easily with ready to use dashboard, realtime.
Check splunkbase (https://apps.splunk.com) for any apps that may suit your needs.
I found this:
but can't find guide and documents that describe how to run it with wildfly app.
did you use this agent?
I have not used that agent.
ITSI (IT Service Intelligence) is a splunk premium app which means it's separately licensed and priced.