Dashboards & Visualizations

A custom JavaScript error caused an issue loading your dashboard. See the developer console for more details.


After upgrade 9.2.0. splunk app for AWS  got the same error "A custom JavaScript error caused an issue loading your dashboard. See the developer console for more details.". 
Unable to open dashboard.  While seeing the  developer console, below error shwoing.

How to resume back the dashboards of Splunk App for AWS.  Current version of Splunk App AWS 6.0.2.





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Hello @kkarthik2 ,

Please consider migrating from Splunk app for AWS to the AWS Content Pack along with ITEW/ITSI. ITE Works is a free application that helps integrate and help visualize different AWS app dashboards. As per Splunkbase, the Splunk App for AWS is archived and has reached EOL.

Following is the documentation link for migrating from Splunk App for AWS to Content Pack for AWS - https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/CPAWSDash/1.4.0/CP/Migrate

Also, the reason you see so much warnings is because the old app references to custom JS which is now unsupported by Splunk and hence such visualization will not come into effect on the dashboard.





If the above solution helps, an upvote is appreciated.

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