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time spent by users on Salesforce App Console Tab

Path Finder

For fetching any events related to a Salesforce App Console we generally use

logRecordType=ailtn ("appName":"Collections_Platform" AND "appType":"Console")


I have a requirement where I want to display time spent by Users on one of TAB inside the App Console.

For ex -> time spent by users on Accounts Tab of the App Console.


How would I meet this requirement ? How should I start the search query ?

Any suggestions ?

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0 Karma


What data do you have in your logs that tell when the user is in one tab or another?

0 Karma

Path Finder

  shall I search the Account Page events by modifing the url attribute as "url":"/lightning/page/Account”

this is event generated




0 Karma


What is that event telling you? Do you get an event when they switch to the account tab or only when they click submit on that tab? What exactly are you trying to measure, and do you have the events in the log to allow you to measure it?

0 Karma
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