Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS trying to install Python for Scientific Computing (for Linux 64-bit). I've seen other similar questions but no answers. this is Splunk Enterprise
Yes it is. Actually got this to work from splunk web just by searching and installing from the manage apps page. The error was received after I downloaded and tried to install from file. Acceptable workaround for now.
For me it worked just refreshing the page and trying again. Looks like the server can timeout if it's busy or something. Know I'm late to the party here, but posting it in case someone else is having the same problem.
You should increase the timeout in the web.conf
splunkdConnectionTimeout = 300
web.conf were? Are you referring to /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/web.conf or web.conf in the AWS app?
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/web.conf is the one you would want to adjust the splunkdConnectionTimeout in.
Yes it is. Actually got this to work from splunk web just by searching and installing from the manage apps page. The error was received after I downloaded and tried to install from file. Acceptable workaround for now.
Works on windows to, thanks for the Tip, I was start to loose my mind
Is port 8089 open?